I have a suggestion. I love reading through the babypips school site, but would like it even better if I could take it with me when there is no internet access. Could you guys turn it into one big PDF document? I realize that with this come all the limitations that are inherent in PDF and I can live with that. If that doesn’t work, some other form of portablr document is fine as well.
I do have an android. But if I’m on a plane over the atlantic, I have no internet connectivity. With a PDF I can read it wherever irrespective if I have an internet connection.
I understand and appreciate the fact that you want to take the lessons with you everywhere you go but see, the School of Pipsology is something we really spent time working on. I’ve said this in previous posts – countless hours of research and writing were spent to make that all come together. The best way for you guys to support it is to go to our website and read it from there!
It’s free anyway!
Thank you for asking this question and I hope you understand.
Just thought I’d quickly add my 2p to this discussion. As a complete novice to Forex trading I really like the simple style of the lessons on this site. Being without a tablet or laptop, I’m also forced to sit at my computer desk the whole time I’m reading them.
Is there any intention to release a print version of these lessons? I would be happy to pay to be able to read these lessons from the comfort of my living room couch.
Help the site by clicking the ads once in a while as a thank you for so much effort into this totally free resource. Still at Elementary school learning candlesticks!
it will be handy really if there is a pdf for it. I am always travelling with just an iPad with me, maybe I can read some of the things i’ve haven’t read yet if there is a pdf version of it.
I think I remember reading that they were working on this, revising the content so everything is current. However the thread I read this on may have been kind of old, so I’m not sure what the status is on that. Maybe someone more knowledgeable can chime in here…
As a complete novice to Forex trading I really like the simple style of the lessons on this site. Being without a tablet or laptop, I’m also forced to sit at my computer desk the whole time I’m reading them.
Just sparing my thought, as much as we all want to get a soft copy and fully utilize the content.
The authors really spent a lot of effort and time setting up the school system. I believe they really deserve the views on the web and I’m pretty sure it is only a small part of a picture and there will be more of it to come!
I think I like Babypips School how it is, i mean of course in pdf you can read it offline but the school section is continuously updated and a pdf cannot be updated, you have to dowload it all over again, now with tablets and smartphones it is much easier to read wether a pdf or any web site, i do it with my android, and so with my laptop too. But i keep my pdf version of Babypips that it was a very early edition, it is just a small textbook compared of what School Section is today.
As Ananais mentioned last year, we don’t plan on offering a PDF version of the School of Pipsology. The last PDF was available in 2008, and we supported existing PDF buyers until late 2009.
While it makes sense to the many readers that want offline access to the School lessons to bring back the PDF, Mr Gone explained it perfectly above. Keeping the PDF updated and available to our readers was very troublesome in the past. With additions and changes to the lessons happening frequently, we didn’t have the resources to manage the PDF as we would have liked. So we discontinued it.
We can make changes instantaneously on the web, so there’s no waiting and no downloading on your part. With Internet speeds getting faster, and more users moving to mobile (tablets, smart phones, phablets, laptops) and Internet-ready devices, it’s easier to access online content from anywhere, at any time.
We think we’ve struck a good balance between availability and user experience (at least we hope so!). But to reiterate, we have no plans to bring the PDF back. The School will only be available online.
Can you take a screen shot on the anroid? I used the iPad alot of the time to do the school & with multiple screen grabs, you can just scroll through your photos & read it from there when you have no internet signal. I know that it’s not ideal but it is a solution.