Babypips teaches to make money, now needs money

First-time traders come to sites like Babypips looking for a ready-made solution to success. If trading were that easy everyone would be rich, which is why 95% lose.

There is a lot of information out there, and you have to navigate through it

What may not be valuable to one person may be valuable to another, and if they want to donate, so be it, what’s the problem?

Bought Aud nzd Monday - eat it :sunglasses:

Not these days my posts are profitable for a while now - recent Aud nzd buy post . Predicted the 31st July crash the list goes on now he he , nice try

And you look like Ted bundy

Show any proof you even have a trading account. Until then, its incoherent boom and crash predictions taught by the mighty BabyPips.

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I never done the baby pips course .

Seems to me your losing at trading and blaming baby pips , that’s what I think

All my threads & trading results are fully transparent. I’ll have to put you back on Ignore. Good luck!

Cya Ted :smiley::smiley::smiley::smiley:

I must commend @EmeraldEyes on holding his ground, despite all the criticism and pushback. There may be some truth to what is being said, but nobody listens when it’s addressed in this sort of negative way.

Babypips is a business and does have a wealth of information about forex. Even if it’s generic info collected from around the internet, like a forex encyclopedia.

My sister in law self-published a recipe book a few years back. She compiled a bunch of recipes from other books and sold it. Sketchy or smart?

My brother entered a poetry contest when he was younger. They loved the poem and wanted to publish it. Of course he bought the book, and so did 80% of the other ‘poets’ that were published in that book. Scam or brilliant business idea?

During the big gold rush in the 1800’s thousands ventured out into the wild in search of wealth. Very few found it except for the local businesses who sold them the equipment.

And let’s not forget the trading ‘Guru’s’.

Business can be ruthless and money is made off the backs of those willing to buy into whatever is being sold, even if they don’t realize it. Opportunity knocks, the business-minded answer.

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I often refer to Richard Feynman on the difference between knowing the name of something and knowing something.
Sites like this are great to know: What you call a price pattern, why GbpUsd is called The Cable, what a Bullish candle is. In the end, the reader will know nothing about the market microstructure, market mechanics, or how to become profitable.

The idea of passive income is the very reason why BabyPips’s school is broken down in to hundreds of pages disguised as cute terms like “Kindergarten”, “High School”, “College” instead of one page or PDF. Pricing of ads are based on metrics: views, time spent, and engagements. They’ll “teach” Elliot Wave Theory but not Auction Market Theory or EMT / EMH.

I cannot compare trading with analogies as they are always off-topic.

“ Welcome! Are you new to trading forex? The School of Pipsology is our free online course that helps beginners learn how to trade forex. If you’ve always wanted to learn to trade but have no idea where to begin, then this course is for you.“

Still free as far as I can see , and they do point out it’s to help beginners. They probably could make a lot of money out of selling course if they wanted to . I see no problem here , as there are that many course sellers out there and this is still free

It is free for you and me, unless you choose to subscribe to premium. All the adds you see are paid sponsors. Make no mistake, BP IS a business, which costs money to maintain.

I have no problem with it whatsoever as I find the content very educational. I have been through the entire course myself.


We’ll let’s see what happens . As Im starting to post some very good trades , the brokers won’t like me helping people if this continues, let’s see what baby pips does . Will baby pips continue Stand for the people :muscle: or the broker ads - time will tell .
I Becoming a formidable force in trading

Hi everyone. :innocent: Let’s put an end to this topic. We have said things we wanted to say. We had claimed what we wanted to be claimed. The problems is none can be verified. So, it’s better to move on. Do something good for us and if possible to others. Cursing each other wont be good.

If BP doesn’t make us happy, just find others. We tends to find other mistakes or find others weaknesses, by doing so define who we are, doesn’t matter with your achievements, in the end we are just bone covered by flesh. When time comes and die, nothing left except a pile of rotting meat.

So many assumptions are mentioned baseless, as if the we know it more. But I respect every opinions, we agree to disagree. We agree if we find it useful or inline with our experiences, otherwise freely to disagree. If we need more follower, simply just introduced ourselves with solid proof, don’t just blindly claim thing with no proof. :thinking:

Real example: I claim, I know how a broker work in detail. The proof is I was a partner to few brokers in 2007-2010. They were MB Trading, Interbank FX (IBFX) and also FXDD. I was IB turn to White Label and finally a fully operated broker in Singapore.
I set up everything from server and how to monitor orders. I know how Market Maker and STP mean very detail. I know every detail of MT4 platform, bridging and order matching process. I even developed many my4 server plug-in.

The statements is real, but, however, it’s still a one sided claims. No real proof, unless there is BP’s user accidentally know who I am and can verify my claim. :rofl: If no proof, it’s just bluffing … a non sense claim.

My intention by joining BP just to redo the lovely past I was with BP. I enjoy sharing things around trading, and inline with how other traders thoughts.

There are many thing more important than butting our head. For me I always think of what will happens when I die. I had near death experience. Since then, I will try to fill my life with good things as many as possible. So when the time comes, I will have no regret and fears anymore. :pleading_face:

Always peaceful and cheerful. :innocent: :pray:

I have no problem with a business making money, but don’t beg users for money when your content teaches trading, and knowingly isn’t made for profitability. It’s a fact that the company and advertisers make more than it’s users.

If we can’t find the sucker in the room, its us.

If anyone working for Babypips is a profitable trader, post in here

If you know how the market works, you are in the minority. There’s a lack of market microstructure, risk management. The emphasis is on “trade entry”… when random entry yields breakeven… but 95% of retail traders lose. The odds are in the house’s favor. Users will forever spin their wheels until they run out of money, or pass away.

Hi @EmeraldEyes, now I like your opinion. :innocent:

You are correct here. I’m now have relation to few brokers. The best one show 72% retails lose. The figure is getting better now, and modern broker don’t really care you win or loss. I know how market work in detail, but I don’t have relation with the market. I’m not that important in that circle. But I can determine the quality of a broker by trading with them. I can do assessment and know detail about the broker. Everything i got from the assessment will be served for my purpose only. I don’t want to reveal thing unnecessary. Live is hard, making it harder won’t help a lot.

CFD is commonly used for hedging. For the purpose of hedging it doesn’t matter loss or win. I had said before, the corporate accounts are a lot bigger compare to retail. If retail has 100k, a corporate account look it as very very very … small money. My advice, don’t look at cfd on one side. But again, all opinions in here are free, as we wish. We can create opinion, no body can stop us. :slight_smile:

I respect your opinion, but let us stop this topic here. It wont be healthy for both of us :sweat_smile: I hope next time we can talk about trading only and a friendly matter :slight_smile: You and me are trader. You can see my trading record, as I can see yours. I’m enjoying it. No body is perfect, so lets enjoy this life to the fullest.

I would say that 100% of traders make profits, but 95% have losses that far exceed them.

It’s not up to BP to teach anyone anything. The very basic information (and it is just the basics) is there for people new to Forex to study or not. There are also plenty of advanced books on the topic as well as traders/mentors who know what they are doing.

It’s up to the trader, not the one providing information.

I can’t speak for the BP founders. I will say that every business venture needs to finance itself, whether the company makes money from another source or not. So even if the founders can trade profitably, it still makes business sense for the BP site to finance itself through ad revenues or donations from users.

Now whether you or anyone else finds enough value to donate, that’s another issue altogether.

Yes, but even “teaching” Auction Market Theory or EMT/EMH will not make a trader profitable nor is AMT/EMT/EMH required for being profitable.

But there are countless traders (not all of them are profitable) out there charging money for teaching trading, making copy trades etc.

Agree 100%. But no one is going serve up everything to inexperienced traders on a silver platter. It’s up to the trader to determine how badly they want to succeed in this area and figure out a way. If a trader can’t understand the difference between useful and useless information and isn’t willing to put in the work then there’s nothing anybody can do for them.

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