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hello everbudy

I just want to now when i can go bakc to trading live.The market the last days has been very funny.I had about 15 losing days in a row and i have not as much money as i had before.I’mn new to trading foreing exchange so i want to kmnow when can i go back to trading live again.

when will the marker stop being so funny.

thak you

Ha ha, the market will never stop being funny, but week before and after Christmas is a no no, today is time to go again, but my favourite pair - EURUSD still look like it’s got a hangover and isn’t going anywhere

In a week!

I’m back live today.

But depending on how you trade there’s no 100% reason you have to stop over Christmas, depends on your trading style.


thak you everybudy so i think i will go back to live next week.

You are right!

What about Easter? What are other holiday you better stop trading?

Just when there’s a bank holiday, Easter is fine otherwise.

For me, today started feeling a LOT more normal than it has been in weeks! I have traded far too many days that I should not have, and gotten burned a couple times too. But in all honesty, I feel like today was moving very nicely and hoping it will continue from here on out.

Yeah… Back in business next week…