Balls Of Steel - trading volatile pairs

I know Stirling’s work very well…


Vanessa Mae was a world-class violinist and child prodigy who toured the concert halls of the world before she reivented herself as a pop-classical icon…

Lindsey Stirling is just nowhere near in terms of technical ability…she is a great entertainer, but not a world-class violinist like Lampenius or Mae…

Just my opinion…each to their own… Art is a matter of personal taste… ::slight_smile:

Ps: I should disclose that I am a violin teacher (although that does not make me an authority on violin music!!) :slight_smile:



OOHH, I fear a battle… thus the bulls and bears begin.
For my sake, I will stand behind a woman who believed in herself, yet the judges told her she could not fill a theater.
Sorry gents, she rocks my world!!!

Na zdrowie,

Nothing wrong with that :slight_smile:

Nie ma problemu


I apologize. Lettice Rowbotham fancied violinist enthusiasts throughout the world with her performances.
Wonder why women appear to be better fiddle players than men.? All may fiddle me, if so appropriate.

Na dzrowie,

Draghi speaks yet again tomorrow?..phantom of the opera…good God!

Na zdrowie,

Be interested to hear you guy’s thoughts on future price movements based on this from WSJ…

"10:06 ET - The yen has been benefiting for the last several weeks from safe haven flows, but those days are probably over, after the Bank of Japan unexpectedly introduced negative interest rates. Now the safe haven money is fleeing, the yen is dropping, and the dollar stands alone as pretty much the only true safe haven left in currency markets. With negative rates in Europe and Japan, rates in the US seem high in comparison, and the dollar is also likely to benefit from the monetary policy divergence. A stronger buck means more headwinds for commodities, more pain for emerging markets, and will make it increasingly difficult for the Fed to kickstart growth and inflation in the US, analysts say. ([email protected])

(END) Dow Jones Newswires"

Personally, I would not like to be going against the dollar. If WSJ is right and the Fed struggles to get growth and inflation going, could that point towards another Fed rate hike?

[B]The week ahead, £ to rebound?[/B]

Good article below discussing reduced Brexit fears and other factors that could well impact our GbpNzd and Gbp Aud trades

Australian, New Zealand & Canadian Dollar: Will Pound To Recover?

Eddie, I was looking into shorting the CAD because I believe that oil price is going to resume its downtrend. I was looking at the CAD against the major currencies and GBP/CAD is looking to me like a good opportunity to go long. The article you posted confirms the long bias on this pair. EUR/CAD also shows a good potential entry if you believe that Oil and CAD will go down. Both pairs, GBP/CAD and EUR/CAD have had good volatility the past 2 weeks.

The oil price rally last week was fueled by rumors that the major oil producers were discussing an agreement to cut oil production.

This thread has been used almost exclusively for GBP/AUD and GBP/NZD. Do you mind if I post the occasional idea involving other pairs?

Not at all Yohec, feel to post as you please

Aside from fiddle’s, my belief GBP is on it’s way to a buck 92. The uptrend that was so ruthless through the summer months, has certainly grown cold…thus the life of an up and down market. One man’s opinion, 'tis all.

Na zdrowie,

This will be my last backing for Lindsey Stirling…Elements-behind the scenes…she works harder than we do. God bless.
She enlightens me.

Na zdrowie,


Could Look like this too…

It’s funky. I’m watching that’s for sure.

Certainly a tricky one to call, Cad is so closely tied to the oil price and goodness only knows where that will go short term

hello am I the only one to say

I took long positions on both GBP/CAD and EUR/CAD. It all depends on what oil price does. The consensus is on oil price dropping again below $30 so that is where I’m putting my money.

Im with you there. After a good week last week I expect some degree if profit taking if nothing else.
I’m long UsdCad

A deal with the EU would give Cameron the excuse he wants to cancel any Brexit vote, which would give a boost to the £

EU talks: ‘Crucial’ day for possible Cameron-Tusk deal - BBC News

If you like Stirling’s work, you may also like Emilie Autumn’s: here she is playing her signature version

of Arcangelo Corelli’s ‘La folia’…

I think we should stop derailing this thread and correspond privately on music from now on!


I don’t think he can cancel the referendum. Well technically he could but it would be very damaging politically to commit to holding an important referendum and then do a reverse face. If he strikes a decent deal with the EU I think the referendum will still go ahead as planned but you’ll have both the Tory and Labour media machine squarely in the yes camp and the vote will likely pass fairly handily. Either way definitely positive for the quid if a deal can be made.