Balls Of Steel - trading volatile pairs

I know, Eddie!!

History may divide us!

How terrible!

Well, Ive placed a SL at 111.60 so at least Iā€™ll make a bit if it turns

For some reason, donā€™t ask me why, I decided to take a peek at my UsdJpy trade in M1ā€¦my god, Iā€™m so glad I donā€™t scalp. Even though I had 100 pips locked away it was still stressful
Anyhow, sl hit for 102 pips profit

Short at 0.6750.
Looking for c 200 pips

Well, the USD has not budged much, this weekā€¦and apart from the NZ trade balance there is nothing much to move the Kiwi sideā€¦

I think that this pair may struggle to move beyond 0.67-0.68 in either direction this week, esp. as there are now only two trading days leftā€¦

Current (daily) 14-period ATR for Kiwi-Dollar is
only around 90pips per day, and droppingā€¦


I know, not my usual type of buy but I do think it looks overpriced and wouldnā€™t take much to nod it downwards.

I have been dreaming of it for weeks :slight_smile:

and so has Governor Wheeler ;))

Looks like he may get his wish, +40 pips up, stop moved just inside break even

Short 1.8650

NzdUsd trade testing 0.6700

NzdUsd retraced to my stop, +30 pips

Been trying to cut down on trades and hold for longer this week - work is getting busy. Closed out a GBP/AUD short that I held from Sunday night for a decent profit. Waiting for a long entry to develop now. GBP/USD looks like itā€™s near the bottom of a rising channel on the 4H and the Dow/S&P both look like theyā€™re about to hit resistance. If that works out could lead to a decent bit of upside.


NZ trade balancr figures due in less than half an hourā€¦


It bounced right off 0.67 after NZ trade balance came out showing growing exports (and lessening



Thats me done for the week, barring some unexpected news later today.
13 trades closed, 11 in profit. Not as good as it sounds as half those retraced to my stop for +10 pips or thereabouts. Best trade only +180 pips, okay but nothing special for this system.
Anyhoots, happy Easter everyone, enjoy the chocolate eggs!

You too,Eddie!

Given the quiet market conditions, you have done very well!!!

29 March 2016, 22:28
1928 GMT - The New Zealand dollar has gained a full cent against the greenback as Yellenā€™s cautious comments sent the US currency lower. ā€œThe Yellen dove swoops in and puts the hawks back in their nest,ā€ says Stuart Ive, private-client manager at OMF in Wellington. Yellenā€™s speech Tuesday highlighted ā€œglobal economic and financial uncertainty, driven largely by the slowdown in China and the collapse in oil prices,ā€ justifying ā€œa slower path of interest-rate increases,ā€ he adds. In early Wednesday trading in Wellington, the kiwi is at US$0.6856, versus US$0.6728 a day earlier; ANZ strategists expect a trading range of US$0.6810-0.6910 today. ([email protected])

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

This is so annoyingā€¦ But good things come to those who wait ā€¦ The market correction will.come, and then the flight to safety will push the US Dollarā€¦ And then, Greenspan-style, Yellen will HAVE to raise rates.

GbpNzd Long at 2.0814

Go Go Go