Balls Of Steel - trading volatile pairs

Good morning, Eddie…

Your long will be up.about 50 pips now…

It is like pulling teeth, yesterday/today…

Everyone waiting for Yellen next week, I suppose…

Ps I added a Eur/Jpy short to my.portfolio.

My sixth position in eleven months.

I considered a Silver or Gold long to diversify but I need to hold on past the next couple of weeks…

What do you think about US (Crude/Wti) Oil?

Time to go long again?

Well done!!! That is fantastic!!!

Closed this for lack of progress, with less than £1 profit, as it was just a short-term trade.

Back to just five trades.

Valutrades contest, on the other hand, is going well, having banked over 4,000 USD from

an original 10,000 USD pot… Contest closes on Tuesday next week…

I rank something like 1,400 in the standings… Crazy stuff! Who is first??? They must be

a crazy gambler or have a robot doing the work haha

Ive never traded oil nor gold. I have shares in an oil exploration compsny and am well under my cost on these, this is a 3 to 5 year hold

Having a much better day today, closed a few trades and opened others. About 9% up on the day but still down overall this month. Would like to get the month back into profit but no chance of last month’s great result

Forgot to post earlier, sl got hit for +20 pips.
Out if this pair completely now, it’s far too erratic fir anything other a wild gamble

Doing nicely on a short GbpJpy, 50 pips secured by sl

Yes, far too erratic…

I too entered GBP/JPY both in trading contest and live on my FXCM account… doing okay :slight_smile:

153.00 looks like support…

Also entered short CAD/JPY on FXCM account as a fade of the CAD employment figures spike…

It surprises me how robust Euro is. A Brexit or Fed hike would severely impact upon the Euro, but this isn’t being reflected in the market to the same extent as Sterling. Admittedly, following a Brexit there might be more FDI in Eurozone countries, but equally the political pressure on the EU would be greater

yes. EurUsd has been range bound for…

SEVENTEEN MONTHS (1.05 - 1.15)…

…and thats despite Brexit, Grexit, no sign of rates rising, multiple terrorist attacks, stagnating economies. …

Sounds like the buble is about to burst. :wink:

Should be even better now. Sterling plummets on Independent poll shows increased support for Leave.
150 plus pip drop on GbpNzd, 100 pips on other pairs

Looks like we got into GbpJpy at a good time, 350 oip drop today.
However, its now at a very strong resistance level so may rise before continuing down.

What an evening, Eddie! Well done on your trade!

I got 90 pips on my GBPjpy and 30 pips on my CADjpy (shorts)…

My S&P500 short is back to break-even as it dive-bombed in the last few hours… my FTSE100 short

has also neared break-even, as it too dive-bombed…

I think the GBPJpy is more to do with risk-off sentiment across Yen pairs and as a pre-positioning for

a Fed rate hike… The added UK Brexit fear just added fuel to the GBP dovish fall but in particular the

GBPJpy was maybe more in response to a wider risk-off move…

Don’t you love it when at the end of a week that has got quieter and quieter some surprise move like

this earns you a lot of pips :))

As for GBPnzd, it truly has dived, coming down to sub-2.02, getting closer and closer to that level (2.0)

that all of us thought impossible a few months ago… Is this a market-makers’ (the sell side) move buying

sterling while the buy side (us/speculators) sell it? If the UK stayed in Europe after the referendum, then

the market-makers will have a lot of Sterling to sell back, given that there will a lot of demand at these

discount prices, e.g. GBP/USD near 1.40, GBP/NZD near 2.0, all round-number, key levels of historical

significance where buying is the logical thing to do .


Agree about the reason for Jpy pairs move, ive got 2 Jpy trades on and 2 Usd trades as these are the likely beneficiaries of anti Gbp and Euro sentiment.
Have pulled in over 20% today, still down for the month but improving.
Have a great weekend

Well done, Eddie!!

This should be your full-time job!!

There’s nothing like losing to make you focus harder :slight_smile:

CFTC’s COT report for the week is out!

Interesting facts:

  1. institutional traders are long S&P500 while leveraged funds are heavily short it;

  2. the reverse is true for NZD/USD…

CFTC Commitments of Traders Short Report - Financial Traders in Markets (Futures Only)

this thread is interesting i have a lookout.