Balls Of Steel - trading volatile pairs

And closed for +150 pips.
Goodnight all

Just 2 trades on, both long

GbpNzd @1.8885
UsdJpy @ 102.30

Back to business as usual :slight_smile:

Nice call on gbpnzd…

Thanks, ive got a stop in at 1.8600 to limit any downside

Closed UsdJpy for +30 pips
Closed GbpNzd for +100 pips

Eddie’s on fire!!

You are killing it :))

Caught some decent pips on long GBP/JPY today but gone flat again to take stock. Will probably look to go long with GBP/NZD if it dips back to the daily low from 28th and 29th and there’s nothing too crazy going on.

Looking at the weekly chart we’re clearly at an important support level but I’m not concentrating too much on the longer term picture right now until things have definitely settled down a bit more.

Hardly PMH, just scrapping around, taking what I can until I can make more sense of the situation.
Long term (possibly VERY long) im sure gbpnzd will claw back most if not all this years losses.

We’ll see… Meanwhile…

Buddha Buttocks rule my life


“People will talk …” :27:

Funny woman, Lexy :slight_smile:

GbpNzd has started jumping around in the past hour, first up over 60 pips, then back down again. UK gdp figures bang on expectation.
Looking for a break above 1.90, lets see :slight_smile:

The long road to 3.0


Looks like Theresa May’s words on Brexit and the Boris/Gove split are not helping the pound now. Think some of this relief rally was based on the hope that the Tories were backtracking. May looks to be the favourite for PM now and her comments this morning were pretty definite about Brexit.

I like her…she does not waste time calling people names and squabbling, instead she is setting out a clear route… Clarity is what is needed.

I still don’t get Boris siding with Leave

This is a brilliant thread. With moves like that I don’t see how you could go wrong on the R:R alone. and it does look like the highest move in the opposite direction to the final close for the day is not usually very high.

BoE’s Carney due to speak in an hour.
Should be interesting, bearing in mind his pre-Brexit comments

Murdoch seems to be behind Gove though - which would be fitting as they’re both appalling human beings. Just a few days after Murdoch opines that Gove has the right stuff to be PM and would lead a very fine govt he knifes Boris in the face. So you have Leave campaigners saying that Brexit will mean no more being dictated to by people who aren’t elected and aren’t British… unless of course you’re an Australian media mogul who has the Tories in his pocket in which case dictate away.

Pure opportunism on his side with no regard for anything but himself. Somehow thought he could become PM when Murdoch doesn’t like him. That’s not the way it works Boris!