Balls Of Steel - trading volatile pairs

30 minutes to go.
Prices becoming more volatile, lets see where this takes us
Watch out for those whipsaws!

Surprise, surprise, scenario 2 it is. No raise, mildly dovish, yawn
Another Fed non-event

160 pip swing in 15 minutes since announcement, now inching its way back to where it started

…and now its exactly back where it was pre announcement

Yep, just like Gbp/Jpy and of course the S&P, risk on, risk off, probably back on tomorrow morning, maybe even earlier :slight_smile:

Must be frustrating for traders who get stopped out by these needless swings


ooops :slight_smile:

GbpAud looks like opening about 30-40 pips up on Fridays close
GbpNzd should open around 2.4270

Do you have an open position on GBP/AUD? I’ll be looking to buy if it gets down around 2.1500

I’m already long on GBP/NZD at 2.4260

Ive got a long trade on gbpaud for a few weeks now, nothing on gbpnzd which is why ive not posted much on the other thread lately. Just cant decide which way gbpnzd is heading

I thought you had already been stopped out with a good profit on that GBP/AUD.

I had 3 trades on at the same time. I often take on another if one is in profit and we get a retracement

Good morning, traders!

We are fast approaching 2.45 on GBP/NZD, but we have been under it for three trading weeks since (and including) ‘Black Monday’ (24th August 2015), on the daily chart; however, both the daily and the 4h charts seem to point to a steady upward trend, rather than a compression against 2.45, so it would be interesting to see how this pair performed from today, the start of autumn and a week leading to the last quarter of 2015.

I am nearing break-even on my long, my second long after the 17th July one (which I closed on said ‘Black Monday’), so I am in it for the long haul; Yohec, are you long or short, now?

Eddie, you are right to stay out of GBP/NZD, but it may be a good week for it, unencumbered by central bank rate decisions and heavy event risk…

Seems like you had a Eureka moment. Have fun! Don’t wipe out… In the end if you have the capital to accommodate the risk and you can afford to lose it then why not. In the end Jesse Livermore says, “no one ever gets rich from speculating conservatively”. Trading takes balls so at some point if you want a big pay out you have to take the risk.

I myself don’t condone massive risk but I will never tell a trader how to trade.

Finally succumbed, gone long GbpNzd at 2.4464 with stop at 2.44
The 4 hour chart looks positive, I was waiting for it to fall back a bit but doesn’t look like its going to happen, although it could rebound off 2.45 or push right thru

I closed out my long at 2.4460 for +200 pips.

Just before going to bed last night, I was in profit for +160 pips so I set SL at +120 pips and TP at +200 pips. I did not want to wake up and find all of my profits gone.

Its lovely when that happens, great way to start the day. You don’t get that scalping!

Nice 1!!!

Keep going!

Price pushing 2.4550, stop moved to small profit, will hold it there for a while

…and heading for 2.46