Basic Question on Learning and asking questions on charts

Hello everyone! I’m new to trading. I’ve been taking the Pips School and watching ICT, Smart Risk, and Doyle Exchange, and I’ve been listening to audio books (I like to learn). I also have Trading View and a demo account (which I haven’t even traded yet as i want to make sure my markings are correct first)… I am looking to Day trade and or scalp (eventually.) As of right now i look at EURUSD and because the person who introduced me to trade looks at USDJPY i tend to look at that to

Now that the information has been shared, here is my question:

Is there a place where I can screenshot the chart and ask if I marked it up correctly? I know it sounds very basic, but I am trying to avoid learning bad habits.

For example, I am learning about support and resistance. Now, I want to mark the chart up with support and resistance to ensure I have a full understanding of it. (Yes, I know indicators exist, but I would like to understand and master things before using indicators to help me out.)

Can I just take a screenshot and ask simple, basic questions? How forgiving is the community when it comes to these questions? Is there a place I can go for that?

Hi, you can simply open own topic like “trading journal”, add screenshots and questions. My 3 pesos, It is to early to use day trading / scalping by you, gain more knowledge and experience. Regards Greg


Go ahead and post and ask questions.

Don’t be put off if for a question you get 7 different answers from 4 different people. Many situations on a chart can have more than one right answer. In any case, it depends on what you mean by “answer” - a chart is not like a finger-print with one unique name that goes with it.

In any case, be conscious that you are a beginner, and if you get traders here arguing for 3 days over whether e.g. a certain line is support or not, maybe identifying this sort of support on this sort of chart is not a good idea - too subjective? too complicated? too much scope for human error?

Post and see what happens.


I think only time and experience will help you. When I first started, I had the same questions. It’s much easier now

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Bookmark this info right here. Noobs, me included at one time, believe there’s only one way to read a chart, or a line or a diagonal. It’s the complete opposite.


LOL thank you. I guess i was more unsure if simple question were ok to ask but i understand what you mean as far as subjective. I guess for me. I have been listening to ICT for example and i can understand his point as far as bad habits. I understand clearly that you win some you lose some but i would rather win some because of the education and not just o.o luck. So thank you i honestly feel a lot more confident in just posting and asking my question as i would love to hear different views and the whys to them.

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that makes me feel so much better that you said that lol

i will make sure to keep this in my mind when i ask my questions thank you

thank you for you response and i agree to early but i would like to study the price actions as i go about learning so i can put a visual to what i am learning

you can study price action on other timer frames :wink:

i soo wannt to pretend i know what other timer frames you are talking about … Dare i noobly say or think your talking about back testing ? LOL

I think you can Mark Up your charts intradingview and share the analysis. You can post the link here.

Múltiple timeframe analysis is important. It’s good that you get into the habit of watching different timeframes, maybe Daily, Hourly and 30 minute. Also you can go to 15 and 5 if you are into scalping.

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