Becoming a trillion dollar at twenties

Hi everyone! Wow! So great to be here and hope this site give me the best while achieving my aims. I’m into forex for a long months now though still on demo account. I came across this lovely site while searching around to look for some guides and tips to improve myself apart from some groups, mentors and lectures have here. I’m here to still try get the best of myself and meet some gurus whom will share their ideas to me and teach me how to become a trillion dollars. lol. I hope I’m welcome here and receive with warm affection

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Welcome aboard, and I suggest you educate your self first before even considering making ANY money, let alone a trillion dollars. Your path, if you decide to be serious, it’s like climbing Mount Everest with a backpack on your shoulders.

There is no short cut. As for some gurus who promise you the moon, ignore social media marketing hype which is fantasyland. any money made from you goes into their pockets

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Welcoooome! :blush: Definitely agree with Steve here. :smiley: But, I think it’s great that you started with demo. That’s definitely the best way to get familiar with trading systems that could be profitable for you. :blush: If you don’t mind, do you use any particular trading system? :smiley: Also, if you have any questions at all, don’t be shy to ask around here! :smiley:

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Trillion dollars, wow you are really setting some high expectations lol

Bear in mind things change a lot moving from demo to live… I would move to a small account soon

I think it’s tough and check with you lol
Seriously though you will find lots of helpful tips and info here it does require work and effort good luck :+1:

It all seems so easy doesn’t it? haha

Welcome! Study hard!!

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Hey, welcome here. But don’t waste your time looking for any gurus. Instead, take the responsibility of your learning in your own hands and use it in the live market. But don’t set any unrealistic expectations until you are sure about what is happening.