Beginner FX Trading

Awe Fam my names Papnossi, new to trading.

Welcome man! Great place to learn. Are you on demo already?

Hello and welcome! Don’t forget to start with the School of Pipsology. See you around and good luck!

most welcome to baby pips community , this forum is complete with education , be educated from there with patience . good luck

hi and welcome

welcome to Forex world , feel free to ask any question you need to know . happy trading , enjoy your stay

welcome to this community , what’s your basic trading condition right now ? can you share ?

don’t miss the psychology of school which is the first step to learn Forex trading , i hope your journey will be knowledgeable , happy learning.

this forum is very supportive and friendly , i hope you will be benefited from there.

hello Pap, where are you from ?

Welcome welcome! :blush: If you have any questions, don’t be shy to just ask away! :blush:

As a beginner, there is a lot to learn. One of the first things you should do is to educate yourself on the basics of trading. Remember that trading can be a challenging and competitive field, but with patience and dedication, you can become a successful trader. Best of luck on your journey!

that is a complete reply , but as a beginner trader that is really difficult to be educative due to low patience and poor experience. that is really a challenging issue.

Welcome to the community, Papnossi. Have you checked out the education section here?

i’m also new in forex world…

Welcome cohen_9! Have you been through the School of Pipsology yet? It’s the best place for beginners to start learning forex trading.