Beginner looking to change my life through trading

Hello everyone I have been studying forex now for a few weeks and I’m still trying to get a handle on everything I’m desperate to quit my 9-to-5 job and be able to trade full-time and have a life full of freedom where I’m able to have control over my time I’m excited to meet other new people who are in the same position as me I’m turning 28 at the end of this year and can hopefully retire myself by 30 I understand that this is a work in progress and I am excited for every step of the journey

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Try studying FX for a few years instead. Do not give up your day job. You really ought to realise there is no short cut to success. Until you make a paradigm shift in your thinking and behaviour, you’ll find it tough going. - and you will lose money until you do.

Ignore social media marketing hype , it’s mostly fantasyland not the reality. BTW, your FX mindset must be cool, calm and collected, never excited.

Best of luck.

You are the one who maps out your destiny,if you want to retire you will still obviously need goals.Trading not a get rich quick scheme unless you already have lots of capital and get lucky.

I think forex is a great thing to get into and it could certainly help you retire someday. Not to be negative, but it does sound rushed though - less than 2 years to learn and retire is very tight. I would probably try to come up with more short-term goals, and push retiring out a bit.
Hating your 9-5 job is relatable, perhaps you could switch jobs in the meantime if you’re miserable? You also want to make sure you’re bringing in enough profit before you quit so that you can support yourself. Just stay with it and don’t quit too rashly Wishing you the best of luck and I hope you do manage to quit!