Beginner question

Good morning everyone, is it possible for me to set multiple take profit on a particular trade? If yes, pls teach me. I want to learn and grow very fast.

Can’t do that on my broker’s platform.

But I could use multiple smaller positions to get the same result. So if I want to have a TP to close half of my position at +100 pips and the rest at +200 pips, I could open two positions at the same time which are half the size of the total I want, and set the TP’s as above.

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I believe that some broker platforms do let you take partial profits. You will need to contact your broker ad ask them if it’s possible, other wise just do as suggested by tommor and open multiple smaller positions.

Thank you sir

Yes, IC markets lets you take partial profits on a trade by closing a partial lot size.

It depends on the platform you’re using because some certain platforms make it possible while others don’t.

Dude, how’d you remember your password after two years?! haha

Depends on your broker. Try posting pics of your platform?