Beginner Starting From Nothing

Im from Papua New Guinea, hoping to learn and grow within this world of trading.

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Welcome to the site. I wish you all the best in your forex journey.

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the beginners always try to bring profit with no learning , but please do not try this , start from education level of this forum. have a good trading

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welcome to this community , have a very good journey from there.

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Welcome to the community! Start with the education section here. It’s the best place for beginners. Enjoy your stay and good luck on your trading journey.

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Welcome to Babypips. Take your time to explore and experiment. There is no rush as most of us are still learners who are trying to move forward at our own pace. Feel free to share your thoughts and wishing you a wonderful journey ahead :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hello from the United States! Welcome to the community :grin:

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Welcome to the community, @1896FP22. Just ask away if you need help. Good luck on your fx trading journey.

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Don’t use real money when you start. Demo trade with fake money!

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Thank you.