Beginners sell everything

Hello beginners. I have now cracked gold crypto and the stock market, and will help you kick off your trading journey :+1:
Put sell order at daily low of each - gold crypto and stocks - enjoy the profits :+1:

And as I always say do the rg 146 course if you want to be like me :muscle: do it while enjoying your sell profits

Do it Monday tomorrow :+1:

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What is the technical or fundamental basis for this financial advice targeting beginners?

Without supporting analysis or context this is irresponsible at best and dangerous at worst. Traders, beginner or otherwise, are missing pertinent information needed for evaluating your ‘the sky is falling’ advice that you’ve repeatedly posted across multiple categories and topics.

We can and should do better for the newer traders in this community.


Everything gonna crash , just trying to help

Once gold breaks the daily s2 everything gonna crash , this time I’m right that’s why I posted everywhere - they should most probably take out there super too. It looks bad real bad. Most probably will go into depression

If it all doesn’t crash once gold be Breaks is the daily low s2 you can ban me

Sell everything mate I’m a good damn genuis

Actually something interesting about me I have cousins in Frankfurt Germany same genetics as Einstein

I have my doubts about how saying “everything gonna crash” without any supporting analysis is helpful. It definitely doesn’t help anyone to learn how to analyze the markets for themselves.

2 More Things:

  1. I don’t ban anyone because I’m not a moderator. I’m a member of this forum that tries to be a good neighbor, especially for new traders.

  2. Intelligent people don’t need to tell anyone that they’re intelligent because it’s self-evident.


Don’t think I’ll post here anymore, this one trade will help everyone for months to come . I’ve done my bit . I will return when I’m a trillionare and reveal myself - happy trading

“I don’t believe it.”

-“Yes. That is why you fail.”

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this was needed here

Us 30 coming down just not gold I’m in Appl sell holding while buying gold

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No more words necessary.


The stock market is crashing :woman_shrugging: I was right

Gold has obviously become a safe haven

Appl will collapse

Prophetic Trader: Sell everything, the market is gonna crash

The Market:

Prophetic Trader: I’m buying gold :joy:


This could explain it:


Keep your stocks then :man_shrugging: , see what happens Europe will crash , then Asia then us

Europe 100 crashed last night and will continue crashing

Asia probably today

Singapore index crashed last night too

It’s on its way , it’s gonna happen :boom:

Just didn’t pick gold to be a safe haven , it actually will make this crash worse yep

Just sold us 30
Entry 42359

And y’all go quite now , have no doubt I’m a genius :brain:

Using my gift to help people

Pull out your super while you have time :boom: