Being Drunk while Trading

Have you ever traded when you were drunk?
I actually did several times. :grimacing: :scream:

Not recommended

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Oh, trading while intoxicated? The perfect recipe for turning those market charts into a Picasso masterpiece! :art::chart_with_downwards_trend:

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I can barely read a text message properly when I’m drunk. :sweat_smile: How did those trades turn out for you?


Sensible mind is needed for better forex trading. Forex is risky for unconscious minded and drunken people.

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Umm. :sweat_smile: Definitely wouldn’t recommend, unless you want to end up in the red when you sober up. :open_mouth: I’m also not great at handling my alcohol, so it might work for others, but definitely not for me. :sweat_smile:

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Haha, you’ve got quite the imagination there! Mixing trading with intoxication is definitely a recipe for unpredictable outcomes. :smiling_imp:

I think so. Trading and alcohol don’t mix well.

Those trades must’ve been quite the adventure. :expressionless:

My two questions, was it a live account, and how did your trades go.

A lot of traders on there say you should treat trading like your job or a business. With that in mind, would you be drunk at your regular job? Why do you treat your trading different?

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There is nothing suitable for a drunken person let alone Forex trading. Forex is a business for sensible person.

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I can’t remember trading while I was drunk…

nothing else either really…

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Wait so what happened to the trades?

I lost one trade and won two, but I tend to have a passion for trading when I’m drunk. :joy: :sweat_smile:

Good points. It was a live account. I lost one trade and won two.

Wow, that’s cool, how can you do that? It’s not recommended tho. Did it go well?

I guess it’s not enough trades to know whether its good or bad. I’d lean to keeping your mind clear really.

Trading while drunk sounds like a new strategy! :sweat_smile: Just remember, trading and a clear head usually go hand in hand. Stay safe and trade responsibly!

I once thought a bear market was an actual bear when I was trading while not sober. As you can imagine, my investment plan got really wild that day!