"Best" book on candlestick analysis

Hello all,

What is in your opinion the quote “best” book on candlestick analysis (price action analysis)?

I am currently a newbie but would like to get extensive and thorough knowledge of this area as it is very enjoyable and seems to have a high correlation to success and bangin’ some sweet pips :slight_smile:


ps. could you also check out my other thread about divergences

There is this book on Amazon, dont know how good it is though.

I always find that alot of what is in books nowadays is on the web anyway

Japanese Candlestick Charting Technique by Steve Nelson. No need to buy, look up for PDF on the net.

Like luiz said …steve nisson book is most recommended , you might also want to search for it in youtube i learned the basic of chart patterns on it .

Just search for " Candlestick vol by yourtrading coach " its the simplest of all to understand .

Okay thanks, will do

thanks for sharing :slight_smile:

What about this book:

I haven’t read it yet but it supposed to be very good.

thanks!!! luiz…big help man…dont have 500 to give to Steve Nison for the course.

steve nison is the main author about this kind of stuff. he has a lot of books also ones that focus on using candlesticks in forex as gaps do not occur. i would look into that if i were you, i read it.