Best Broker for Scalping?

Has anybody heard of Phillipcapital as I read they are in the uk now as well, I went to the website and they have mt4, spread seem good like eurusd from 0.6 but has anyone tried them out? I am currently trading with activtrades as good on execution and service but spread is high.

i trade at tickmill and i can say their spreads are like what they tell to you, sometimes i have slipages or spread widening , but it is normal rite

abut PFD NZ i never use them, but i heard from my friends they are good too and has online for years

For scalping only, I prefer to go with CMTrading. Since the spread is very low with them, it goes Easy for me to trade scalping.

Thereā€™s 19 pages of this thread and (as far as I can see from a quick read-through), nowhere in the whole thread has the single key issue actually been addressed ā€¦


No [I][U]genuine[/U][/I] broker minds you scalping [B][U]the market[/U][/B].

A ā€œbrokerā€ is someone who executes on his clientsā€™ behalf trades in an underlying market (in this case itā€™s thew interbank market) to which the clients donā€™t themselves have access. A broker isnā€™t financially involved in the outcome of his clientsā€™ trades, and has absolutely nothing to lose at all, if the clients are successfully scalping [U][B]the market[/B][/U].

(On the contrary, he [U]likes[/U] it, because thatā€™s a good client who pays a lot of commissions and will stay there.)

[I][U]No[/U][/I] ā€œcounterparty market-makerā€, on the other hand (thatā€™s someone whoā€™s pretending to be a broker but actually holding the other side of his clientsā€™ positions and trading against them, while also holding the clientsā€™ funds and both making up and interpreting all the rules governing the transactions), will tolerate [I]successful scalping indefinitely[/I], because in this case it isnā€™t the market thatā€™s being scalped: itā€™s [B][U]them[/U][/B].

[I]It [U]really is[/U] as simple as this[/I]. :slight_smile:

Although itā€™s your choice, but I would not be staying with any broker that has slippage, itā€™s something surely not acceptable from my side. I have suffered quite a bit in scalping with not knowing what slippage actually was, but now having awareness of it, I am not going to leave it. At the moment I trade with Octafx which is ECN Company, but thatā€™s not it I have even selected cTrader to confirm clearance from any slippage, as scalping for me means putting massive put on the line and one bad moves is = blow up account.

I donā€™t know why brokers donā€™t like you scalp? Are they trading against you?

My understanding is that brokers need to hedge their positions for scalpers in order to avoid losing money from these this type of trading and if you do scalping trading, you have either slow execution because it has to be manually executed by external liquidity provider or you have slippage as the broker manually execute scalping trades. I have a friend who works for one of the brokers who explained to me this.

Its amazing that this thread has been going for 7 years :slight_smile: I was thinking to myself how much the market and brokers has changed since this first post.

Today, you can find brokers that run try STP or ECN and will not have any problems to accept scalping as long as they dont keep the orders on their dealing desk. I suffered for a few years finding a proper stp.

I was lucky when I found a cheap ecn account at Yadix with minimum deposit of $500, since then Iā€™ve found consistent execution and good performance

any suggestion for new broker for 2015 for scalping

you will need a broker with tight spreads.
I tried Tradeview Forex because people say they have good spreads.
Also FXCM have nice spreads but I donā€™t feel good with their platform.
Oanda has fair spreads. So I guess youā€™ll have to check and try as many demo accounts as you can and then choose the right for you.

I have contact

ICmarkets & Exness ahve a good spread too

Hi Osanograham,

FXCM recognizes that everyone has different preferences when it comes to their trading platform. Thatā€™s why we offer multiple platform options. If you like FXCM spreads but donā€™t like the Trading Station platform, then maybe you will like MT4, NinjaTrader, Mirror Trader or ZuluTrade. We offer all those platforms as well. If you need help choosing between those platforms, then this guide can help you.

Also, so that we can improve our services, I would appreciate your feedback on what in particular you didnā€™t like about Trading Station.


In my opinion, every regulated ecn broker who is honest and offer wide range of products, platform and competitive spread should be the one where you should go for scalping though it is not an easy task for everyone to scalp.

My oppo said smth about one forex co, donā€™t remember the name. The registrationā€™s pretty simple, then comes the verification process. Allowed advisors trading ā€˜nā€™ scalping, spread fixed or floating, donā€™t u know such a company?

Mb, Roboforex, they have tradable bonus of 20%, instant auto output, binary options -the pros 4 me. But not easy to make output on other paysyst., itā€™s not open to a personal bank card. Now think 'bout multiple affiliate programā€¦

IMHO, the safeguard is quite effective. Use the syst, never had troubles, no platform hangings, though heard there were first, in the beginninā€™ of 2015. Like deposit bonus - to 115%.

FreshForex has low spreads on ECN, for EURUSD it is zero pips. i think itā€™s a good choice.

I know all brokers allow scalping, also know that Alpari are not a broker that a scalper should even contemplate scalping in. To find out if a broker is running your stops, which rarely, happens open up a demo account with another broker & watch their price action.

Iā€™ve been pulling out my hair lately trying to find a good broker I can scalp with. Iā€™ve been trying a ton of demos out. I really liked the cTrader platform, and wanted to trade with IC Markets, but they donā€™t allow Japanese OR USA clients (I am both of these, but live in Japan). Other brokers I was recommeded were Pepperstone, MaxFX, and Tickmill, but they also wont accept me. At the moment, my options are Yadix and Tradeview.

Anyone else have any recommendations on who I should check out? All I want is a great spread and cheap commissions, Iā€™m not so interested in other features like news or training.

Edit: Everything below:

TradersWay has cTrader, but the comms are a bit on the higher end ~$6.50 for 1 lot EURUSD round trip.

OctaFX has 0 commission cTrader, but spreads are huge and I donā€™t think itā€™s an ECN broker.

FxOpen has the probably the 3rd tightest spreads (behind IC Markets and Tradeview). Commissions are pretty cheap too. Roughly $3.90 round trip EURUSD. BUT the website is often down, and withdraw/deposit fees suck. They do have nice plugins for MT4, although I really dislike the dated interface.

So at the moment Iā€™m leaning towards FxOpen if I can survive that platform, or TradersWay with its steeper costs.