Best demo trading account

Beginner Looking to use a demo trading account. Any recommendations hugely appreciated!

Thanks in advance

Google a regulated broker review suitable for your country, and choose one that suits your needs. I trade IC Markets & Pepperstone, both of whom provide good platforms and minimal spreads.

what do you mean by " Best demo trading account"? Regards Greg

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Demo is demo to be honest. Look for a broker you might want to eventually use live and then use their demo account.

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the importance of demo account so many , but the traders we have especially the beginners dont believe the importance of this trading place. they trade here at random and got nothing from here after passing 3 to 6 months. this is sad reality and no way to deny

this is ugly truth about demo account in Forex trading ,

there is no technical difference between demo and live , but we cant focus in there , because there is no real money . nits all about psychology , nothing without it.

i always recommend demo account besides practicing psychology of school which is available in this community. happy trading

There’s no such thing as “the” best demo account.

Just try a bunch that you find interesting and see for yourself.

the demo is really important but we dont believe the importance of this trading place at all.

I don’t think there’s a best demo account out there, but I do prefer those that don’t expire so you can use it as long as you need to without worrying about that. Also might want customer service that’s quick to reach (think LiveChat or phone versus email) in case you want demo funds added to. Maybe pick a broker you are considering anyways and try them?

I’m a beginner too. Started 12 months ago. Should not be offering advice, let’s think of this as support. I found there are scammers out there who prey on new people, they are good so be very careful.
Resist the urge to trade live until you are consistently profitable. It’s easy to say that you need to go live in order to experience the emotion, but you have plenty of time to get to that stage.
There are lots of brokers and platforms.Try them all but make sure your broker is regulated, if they are not then you may as well burn your money instead.

Yes, agree, but for an absolute noob, they need to learn the platform, how to place trades, how to lot size, actually see what spread is; do all those in demo first.

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It be nice if someone mentioned a few places for demo accounts. Beginner here.

Just find any good broker, and they should have demo accounts available.

I’m a beginner as well, but I use TradingView for this. It’s called “Paper Trading” which just means no real money involved. You get 100.000 USD to play around with and can reset any time.