Best Forex Trading Signal Service

A one stop dedicated site for all your trading needs. Our bankers in Germany with years of expertise in online trading services, Commodity, Forex, Equity and we have dedicated ourselves to serve both private as well as institutional client’s needs. Our Clients are offered with MetaTrader4 platform which provides better interface for risk free trading, higher liquidity, completely automated trading without dealing desk, immediate order processing, better trading scenario, prominent trading statistics to have a great trading experience.

Hello, I am new to this forex trading and I really want to know which is the best trading signal service, which provide accurate signals of market ups and downs.

Are you guys trying to make something similar to zulutrade service? Or it will just be a “send a signal via sms” service where a client will pay you monthly subscriptions?


What is name of your Forex Trading Signal Services? Can you share its official website here?

the Best Forex Trading Signal Service is zulutrade!! go visit we have dedicated quite lots of threads here :wink:

It seems to me like a SCAM. Because he is from Chennai (India) and It’s clear India not allow to any institution to trade FOREX. Obviously it is Illegal in there.

So, Johnsunder tell us what is your web site name and what you offer.

mmmm… :33:

well do not say smth you have not checked prior to posting. Zulutrade is NFA regulated, cant get more strict and legal than an American reguations.
dunno if it illegal in india but there are of about 500 Sps and as twice as much followers…

Are you a Zulutrade promoter/affiliate smthn ?

Nope, neither of the two. I am just a simple user with followers accounts. there are tons of other users and providers writing as well here. Just tend to write whenever I see smth that is written wrongly.

I have to say that the best is tradecopier