Best Forex Trend Indicators



non repaint
xo indicator mt4

use only for daily chart

all the best

xo - indicator for daily (20.3 KB)

The most important thing is knowing the type of trader you are and then learn about varieties of forex indicators, and then choose the one suitable. There are four easy indicators, so you should become familiar with using one or two at a time to identify trading entry and exit points.

Thanks my friend,

I will learn all of you said as soon as possible.

all the best


daily eurusd

usdjpy daily

Eurusd daily

  • new, nrp trend wolf indicator.

viob 30
weekly trend vıew

Does anybody know if there are new indicators in technical analysis over the last half a year?

Many - as always, over every year/half-year/month.

It’s close to impossible to keep up-to-date with new indicators.

Even reading technical journals and websites inevitably has some built-in delay, partly connected with “who decides to publish what, and when”. By the time you can read about the newest ones, at least hundreds of other people already know about them. ([I]Many[/I] of them, of course, are worthless anyway - but not all … it requires a lot of education, judgment and experience to sort out what’s “real” and what’s potentially going to be useful to you.)

Books like this are frequently published (this one’s not new, but it’s just an example from when I was using indicators, myself), but they tend to be very expensive: (that one, written/compiled by a senior technical analyst at Bloomberg, is rather interesting: it explains some new indicators from Erlanger Research which are still not on Phil Erlanger’s website).

Edited to add: don’t imagine that because of publication-speed, websites are going to be more up-to-date than traditionally published textbooks. [U]The opposite tends to apply[/U]. Partly because many established authors who are themselves successful, professional traders [B]don’t[/B] want their work to be published on the web (at least until they’ve sold some books!). The reality is that in “research fields”, quite often (in other subjects, too), the internet is some way [I][U]behind[/U][/I] traditional academic publishing.

Thank you. Keep track, but not always. It is hard to be update with so much info. Compliment to you that you get organized to follow them.

By the time reading about new ones how to figure out earlier if one needs it. Seems impossible task.

I agree. It’s very difficult indeed, other than for instutional traders.

So you agree on one post and disagree on the other one. We are even. Lol. Happy holidays.

mhl+stepma (27.7 KB)

stepma+mhl indicator

all the best

H 1


usdjpy view

5 min.

Thank You, looks good