Moving average do not predict price direction, but rather define the current direction with a lag. Moving averages lag because they are based on past prices . Ok but still i dont know which indicator shows price direction :56: .
MA is there to give you a general idea of the trend, and yes, there are a lot of indicators you can use to get an idea on ranges, entry and exit points and of course, good ol’ fib - the catch, each one varies so I would suggest you do a read on all the indicators out there and select just a few to work with…
Hmm, for me the best is support & resistance pivot point. I had positive performance with this one
I don’t know if you would call this an ‘indicator’ of the conventional type but support and resistance levels are my favourite. They ultimately define whether I enter a trade or not
By the way wirabayu06, your avatar makes me laugh for some reason
EDIT: I just noticed you have now changed your name to spidypips
Yep, for the sake of my true name.
I changed my name into alias. So, u use s&r too? How long u used s&r on fx?
It was one of the first things I learnt, very basic stuff but very powerful in my opinion. Mind you I only started learning about forex earlier this year. I don’t use it in terms of trading off bounces and breakouts, I steer clear of entering a trade when the price is around support and resistance levels, just based off a current system I’m trying out
Please don’t depend on indicators. They are harmful than helpful. Try to identify price action at channel extremes, trend lines and at support/resistance levels. They will definitely help you.
I agree with what the other member’s said. Support and Resistance are the best tool’s than any other indicator’s. See how a candle open’s and closes at a particular key level. That is all you need.
ok. I ever heard s&r with pa had good combination. I will learn pa immidiately. Thanks guys
Any indicator can be the best indicator depending on how it fits into your system. Aside from s/r, fib, trendlines, vsa, etc, it seems as though MACD and stochastics are the most popular.
You are absolutely right bijoy … you know why? because whenever my indicators tells me to buy it … prices for no reason gets up a little then ooooooooooops reverses… and do you know when my indicators tells me to stop losing ha… when iam on liquidation … i dont know sometimes it does work perfect but when i do not make any position but when iam doing it REVERSES back to opposite…:34:
you do not need an indicator to show price direction. simply look at the chart
support and resistance AND pivot point, or
pivots based on support and resistance?
Good Ol’ MACD…remember, using an indicator does not equal profit everytime - it can only point the direction of the market and that’s about it. So do not depend too much on indicators and sort through the lot and settle on a select few.
I think not indicators niether support & resistance can help us to profit continuesly because support & resistance do not work when there is news comming up , so use it on a sunny day , and use indicators in a cloudy day. this has worked with me …But in most time niether do work … :28:…and mostly because of no reason…some days prices just BOOOOOM and i try so much to know why but no reason…:17:
I do not believe in using indicators, they ALL seem to be lagging even if they claim to not be lagging. I think the best indicator is yourself and how you can read the markets. Nothing can beat price action, volume and time. Those three variables will guide you to profitable trades once you learn how to read them. Of course good ole chart reading will always help as well. Study some basic chart pattern setups and combine with the 3 variables I mentioned above and you should become a very profitable trader.
depends on how well you draw your resistance and support and how strong AND valid they REALLY are.
it works, whether or not there is news coming up, you just need to know how valid and strong they are and its limits.
resistance and support have limits and they do not remain valid or strong/weak forever.
your right FringFX I think i need to improve my fundemental understanding first inorder to know when and why there is a break or not…
Thank you
The best indicator is the one you don’t use.