Best London Educational Course

Hi Guys

Have a quick one, does anyone have any opinions on

London Trading Academy
LDN Capital
Amplify Trading

3 month courses, they all range in value and seem to be the best i can find. Anyone out there completed them and or have an opinion on them?


Curious George

Hi George: what do they charge?




Thanks, George;

have you read this 2013 article on

Amplify Trading?
What are trading courses and will they get me onto an investment banking graduate scheme? | TARGETjobs


Yes, i wondered which was the best between the 3?

One thing: I would try to get a course that teaches not just Forex but trading across all asset classes…

Avoid courses teaching technical trading, and try to get someone to really explain how supply/demand

works on a market basis, in practice… Anyone can draw lines on a chart on pre-prepared ‘optimal’

screenshots; you want to get someone who can teach you on live charts and even TAKE LIVE TRADES

in front of the class, to show that they practise what they preach with their own money.

Also: how much can you afford to spend/lose on a single course? What sort of R.O.I. are you looking at?

Are you, like in the article, a graduate looking to get a career in trading/finance, or are you just out to

make money for yourself?

What about online courses?


I have an offer to study a investment driven course at uni in which 26% of students get jobs in finance and banks although i am aware that these wont be in front of house positions. This starts in september and through this i am getting cold feet about enrolling as i wish to become a trader. I have saved the money to trade and would like to work in a large cooperating of some kind and understand the need to show consistent earnings through trading to do this.

I understand your predicament but I have no experience of this myself as I am in the music business…

You really need to ask someone who has been through an investment bank junior position and knows

what awaits at the other end… I expect you just want to be a trader for yourself and not a slave to a

bank’s payroll… There was an interesting session by Anton Kreil on the career of a junior in banks, and

what you can expect from that… Did you see this?

This part (3 of 5) gets down to the actual numbers… (Take it or leave it, it is your decision)!!!

I do appreciate this help - just to confirm what are the alternatives other than

taking a trading course and hoping that they take you on and back you
trading for yourself at home
trying to get a job at a major cooperation

Is it London Academy of Trading, rather than ‘London Trading Academy’?

If so, did you know that two weeks ago they advertised for an FX trader post? Job details for vacancy listed on Trainee Foreign Exchange Trader

…and the other provider you mentioned, LDN Capital, have also advertised for a trader post, only four days ago!

Trainee Futures Financial Markets Trader Job in City Of London

Interestingly, LDN Capital ran a course called Train2Trade, which was available for £19

on GroupOn:

LDN Capital Ltd London Special Deal of the Day | Groupon London Special

The product is no longer available…

Was this the same course, massively discounted?

For careers: Careers

This is LDN Capital’s website, offering internships at their fund…

Wow that’s quite expensive. I’m going to put a “learn trading online” syllabus together later this week, it’s not my own material, just things that I could highly recommend. People seem reluctant to pay $$ for online courses, but 5000 pound seems very excessive. If you put aside a month of full-time time to learn (so set aside your cost of living) etc…

I’d recommend:

  • babypips school, top to toe, take notes etc,
  • the paid material at, this will take a while to study through, but it’s market price action at it’s rawest form,
  • all youtube videos of PeteFader and his babypips forums,
  • live trading webinars at,

The mods might remove this post as it refers to external paid resources, but you did ask.

Did see that but think you have to pay for the three on noted. Maybe online would be better!

Do you happen to know the kind of personal account or a better alternative that will help one get a job at a hedge fund?

What’s the price tag on these courses and what exactly do they offer? Just a basic trading course or more, with mentoring, the works?

Between 4000 and 7000 and they offer full training, the lat course offers a diploma at the send through ofqual

Most of the basic trading info can be got online for free, from baby pips school to YT videos and free or low cost mentoring webinars…the last is a bit of a doozy since one can never be sure if the trader running the show is as good as he sells the pitch…

The price you have listed is what advanced trading courses usually start at, the good ones. So do check out the courses in detail, check out if they have any reviews, traders background…the works, before you pay up. Once again, paying for basic trading courses is not really worth it since all the info they provide you can get for free online…either way, keep us posted and good luck.

Find out if they do offer advanced trading modules separately…just saying you may want to pay for the advanced trading modules rather than pay for info you could get for free…good luck.