Best places to trade

Hey guys , som I’m completely new to this and I’ve been seeing all over the place people trading and I was wondering where’s the best place to trade crypto and forex. Someone told me they trade for themselves and also trade for a company any recommendations

Hi @KArmstr95. Start with the School here. Focus first on learning the basics and then open a demo account for you to practice what you’ve learned.

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Do you mean like a broker? :open_mouth:

Yes or personal

Sorry I’m not sure that clarified it :sweat_smile:

Re: broker, I’m not sure there’s one broker that covers both crypto and forex.

Re: personal… I’m not sure what that means :sweat_smile:

My bad someone told me that you don’t need to trade for a broker you can trade for yourself

Can you please help me by letting me know what kinds of e-books I should read to strengthen my basics?