Every trading technique has both some advantages and disadvantages, so before using any technique you have to consider both the sides of it. Some traders use a combination of various trading techniques as required by the trades. So just go through demo with each techniques and the technique/techniques best fit to your trading requirements can be used i think.
A method best for one may not be best for you. A trading method is not just a method. When a method works for someone he knows a lot more things about that system. It’s a combination of many things. There are some things that can not be expressed. Instinct, intuition or guts feelings are also associated with a method. Like price action, many traders use it but not all get the success. But the formula is same. You have to find out your own trading edge by trail and error.
Whatever the method you use, you are trying to find a system that identifies the patterns in the market so you can make an educated guess about the outcome of your trades. Irrespective of the method, learning (through trading) trains your brain to identify these patterns.
Think of different trading methods as different languages. We grow up learning different languages depending on our mother tongue and location. Just as a person’s intelligence does not depend on the language he uses, your innate ability to identify these patterns does not depend on the method you use. But whatever the method you choose, stick with it for long enough so you’ll understand how everything works. Trying to learn a new language every week will take you nowhere!
Personally, I feel you should start with price action trading. It will help you understand the dynamics of the market. Once you get a strong grip on the fundamentals, you can use whatever the alternative method you think will help you with your strategies. Essentially all these alternative methods have the same purpose. They cram the market information over a given period into easily identifiable patterns or numbers(in the case of indicators).
Be informed that this post only addresses the intellectual side of trading. You should also learn to master the other major component of successful trading i.e., emotional discipline.
There is no one who can predict the real faction of this market with certainly , that’s why ay fixed trading method works not here permanently, all trading methods result just about temporary , nothing without it.
No fix method no prediction and no fix rule is applied on forex trading . Every day we face a new market situation , with time we know our successful method can be wrong on any other situation so we should do dynamic trading , make flexible rules and plan .
Yes, this is actually Forex market and there is nothing 100%. But if we can maintain the proper trading discipline of course we can be successful from here in spite of having much difficulty.