Beware of LMFX

Has what most US traders are looking for decent leverage up to 1: 1000,spread is 1.2-1.6 usually.And decent customer support.But the bonus structure is like no other broker I’ve traded with.The leverage of course being the most attractive feature for newbies,but be aware that there bonus scheme is where they get you.Here’s how there setup works,if you take the 100% bonus you don’t really have the 1:1000 leverage, that’s a smoke screen.You technically have the leverage but if your negative trades are more than the bonus,(not your total equity)then they take your bonus with no warning,and of course your 1:1000 leverage is irrelevant.It doesn’t simply margin call your account on the largest neg trade,it removes the bonus immediately.And you can imagine what happens next.
So the best advice I can give is to stay away from there misleading bonus structure/leverage.Everything else about them as far as I can see is ok.