Bid, Ask, Mid price candlesticks

Is there any benefit over using candlesticks set to one over the other in regards to bid ask and mid prices?


Never seen a candlestick like this - bid, ask and mid prices all come from one specific “price” at a specific time. A candlestick covers a range of prices over a specified time frame: it shows the open, close, high and low prices of the time range, which could be e.g. 5 minutes or 1 say or 1 week. Bid, ask and mid-prices are not visible on a candlestick chart.

Maybe one of us is confused. Where did you get this idea please?

On my chart I can change the candles to Ask Bid or Mid price, if you see below one is set to ask and one set to bid, and they give different candle high and lows.
I only noticed earlier because I had my SL set at 7092 (on Mid candle settings) and it got hit, but on the chart the candle low was showing at 7092.2, until I changed the candles to bid, which then showed the candle low as 7092

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While this short video is not in depth it covers the basics of your question.

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Sorry, now I understand. The charts on my platform are set at the ask price as default (not sure if I can change it manually). Maybe someone else has done this and can explain why it might be better.