Biden's victory has an impact on the dollar


I once went to see the Pandas here at Chiang Mai zoo - prior to this I had always liked eating stir fry bamboo shoots.

But after seeing pandas crapping the stuff it put me off for life!

Sick just thinking about it.

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:



This is easily answered by simply looking at what happened to USD during the market meltdown this past March along with all the dollar swap lines that the Fed had to open with other central banks.

Ultimately, as long as there are international trade/transactions, a reserve currency is needed.

I think this is more opinion than fact. Where is this trend?

Over the past decade, a huge mountain of dollar-denominated debt has been built up outside the U.S., especially in emerging markets. According to the BIS, these loans increased from $5.8 trillion to more than $12 trillion between 2009 and 2019.

Inflows into U.S. equities from foreigners are at a multi-year highs. Demand for dollars or dollar-based assets remain strong.

China has to free float their currency first, but every time they try to ease currency controls, they experience capital flight from their elites. So they have to solve that piece of the puzzle first.

That’s why their petro-yuan oil contracts have to be gold-backed.

The only soft spot I have is for bamboo.

And there’s actually a more famous bear but it’s now censored in China.

Do you eat it??



We could carry on this foray indefinitely - it’s great there are more than one way to view the outlook of a market otherwise life would be dull.

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The same story like 2008 will happen But who know maybe will be the other way around.Just do not bet all your money on the Dollar or Dow Jons
The safest currency is the $
Its hilarious how some people think :joy: that the dollar will collapse because lose 15 20 or 50 cents in value,week currency is great for export and that is why China is doing great :+1:
End don’t be stupid use A Hard Stop.

A lot of discussions here regarding the fate of the U.S. dollar.

Here’s a recent view shared by Hugh Hendry where he makes some really good points:

Basically, what’s he saying is that dollar can’t weaken on its own. It must be forced down and the only way to accomplish this is if the Fed goes NIRP.

I prefer to eat blackened duck. Especially when it’s oven roasted and has that cracking, crispy thin skin. :yum:

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I’m predicting that Biden will ultimately LOSE after all is said and done. No States have certified the election. Technically it’s still in flux.

I will pay that. Well played my friend. Well played.

:clap: :grinning: :wine_glass:




The constraint to the renminbi’s rise is that (currently) most foreign investors will not trust the Chinese government enough to park their excess reserves in Chinese assets.

Decisions like when Beijing decided to shut down the equity markets in 2015 and halt trading in over 700 stocks listed in Shanghai and Shenzhen, to stop the markets from crashing further.

Or just recently, when Ant Group’s IPO was suspended in Shanghai and Hong Kong. These types of actions reveal the risks of Chinese markets which further sets back any progress for renminbi internationalization.

I feel positive about it. But again, the economic and political dimensions can take another route any time.

Why would any company want to do business in China with Chinese given their aggressive position they are adopting towards the western world. Any westerner doing business in China could find themselves being shunned by the Chinese Government or expelled or have their executives locked up and charged with espionage.




All very true - but there are many countries who ARE willing to do business with them too.

Even many US companies who make large profits and see China as worth the risk.

Even sleep Joe himself!

They’ll also turn a blind eye to any totalitarian naughtyness the CCP get up to.

We have to remember not all countries have such morally superior values as us westerners!!!

Like it or not China is in the ascent and western countries are in slow managed decline.

All the anti China rhetoric will most likely calm down in the future - even quicker if the Bideno Crime syndicate do indeed take over the US


All very true and very well said.



There are actually many companies from different countries that do business in China.

China is a huge market. The value of China’s imports and exports of goods are almost $5 trillion.

If we focus specifically on the U.S.:

  • U.S. goods and services trade with China totaled an estimated $634.8 billion in 2019.
  • China is the United States’ largest supplier of imports ($471.8 billion)
  • China is the United States’ third-largest export market ($163.0 billion)

These numbers are huge and while there may be fluctuations, will not disappear anytime soon regardless of who is the U.S. president or anti-Chinese rhetoric in the media these days.

But again, the U.S. is just one market for China (although a significant one). There are many other non-U.S. companies that do business with China.

How the CCP operates is not new and has been common knowledge for a while now. Most companies are aware of the risks.

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The policies of Biden presidency isn’t well for the dollar. Thus, it was widely expected that the dollar will not rise after the Biden’s victory. Going further, US dollar might post some modest gains but dollar rise is not coming soon.

Biden could focus on reform of the World Trade Organization and lead a coordinated effort to address China’s trade practices. There’s really mixed feelings about the dollar. On the one hand, a stronger dollar is a signal of market confidence in the United States and that’s attractive, On the other hand, a stronger dollar also means a headwind for trade.

Yeah, there’s an article in the WSJ today by Bob Davis - he reckons US and China will be “Same Tensions” as he puts it.

Also reporting that the Whitehouse is seeking to “create an informal alliance of Western nations” to “jointly retaliate when China uses it’s trading power to coerce countries”.

China did this to Norway re a Nobel Prize award in 2010 that it took offence to - Norway ended the problem with what many called a grovelling apology although others said it made sense and was just words.

Bottom line is that there is security in numbers (Norway is not a member of the EU).

WHAT!! Is Trump going to do that?? Because you can bet your life Biden won’t. He even stated in his campaign speeches he was going to renew the relationship between China and the USA and open up better trade negotiations with China. IE dismantle tariffs.



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