Biden's victory has an impact on the dollar

A Biden win would weaken the dollar as the former vice-president is expected to spend big on stimulus and to take a freer approach to trade, boosting other currencies at the dollar’s expense.

Too early to tell why - likely the recent 5 eyes response (Oz being one of recipients) by China wherein they threatened to ‘pluck the eyes out’ or ‘blind’ the 5 western democracies.

Anyways bottom line is the current admin in US now sees the wisdom in the strength of numbers.

Biden’s Sec of State is pro EU so likely closer links there up ahead - let’s see how it plays out I suppose.

With nearly 80 million votes and 306 members in Electoral College out of a total of 538, the Joe Biden has won the US presidential election.

Trump was beaten, but not by the landslide margins predicted by the polls. The Republican Party even gained seats in the House of Representatives and may hold on to its Senate majority.

In the short term, the president-elect Joe Biden’s top priority will be to combat an ever worsening health crisis. Yet with healthcare, as with other issues like the environment, taxation and foreign policy, Trump will go all out to leave his mark, while doing nothing to facilitate the transition.

Look for the U.S. dollar to remain weak as this is good for the global markets since it keeps dollar-funding costs low.

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After Trump agrees to hand over to Biden the dollar rises.
Doesn’t look like a Biden win weakens the dollar to me

How do you account for the fact that most currencies have risen agaist the USD in the last few weeks??




Here is a chart of the AUD/USD and there are other currencies that have followed suit.



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The uncertainty caused by Trumps refusal to accept defeat.
We all know how the markets dislike uncertainty. The dollar rose yesterday after Trump moved towards acceptance.
Long term, the policies of Biden will influence the dollar. We will have to wait and see which policies are actually enacted.
There are some sound economic reasons to let the dollar go lower, and others for wanting it to rise.

Looking at the bunch of loser ex Obama hacks he has listed to implement internation and domestic policies I’d say the USA will be in a bad place. Foe heavens sake he is re-installing Janet Yelling to the Fed. It will be the good old days of the Obarma administration.

Or maybe the squad will step in and with Harris talke control. I cannot wait.



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Well we do know he’s ALREADY Been paid to do that ! - through his relatives :wink:

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You know there is that old saying that “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result.” And yet the American people have re-elected the same politicians that 4 years ago couldn’t run a chook raffle at the local pub let alone the country.

It goes to show that a sudden change in political direction has a tendency to scare most people rather than excite even if that direction is in their best interest. Although the unfortunate politically correct society we live in today is also a hinderance to the prosperity and individual freedom to the citizens of the USA due to the fact that it stifles free expression of ideas and beliefs.



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As opposed to what I suspected, Dollar is gaining quite a much, after Joe Biden won the Elections and with all the optimism for the COVID vaccine,the dollar is expected to gain even more.


I’d hold off on the Biden won the election thesis - lots going on behind the scenes that could turn this election red

I don’t think I can comment on that. It depends a lot on the forex market and the traders who are trading currency pairs.

I haven’t heard that one for about 30 years! ROFLMAO

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