Big Opportunity, Czech Central Bank currency intervention end EUR/CZK

Hi there,

I was wondering if anyone here is watching this opportunity too? (EUR/CZK) It is kind of similar situation, like with Swiss frank and Euro some time back.
What are your opinions about this?

From my side, I am from Czech Republic and watching this closely. At the beggining of the year,National bank announced, that 2017 is the year they will set CZK loose again from fixed rate. Estimated 2nd quarter of the year but since then traders pushed a lot, so it is more probable, that fixed rate will end with March.
Brokers reaction was pumping up spread on 10. (Normally it was aroud 2.5 here)

Would you go in and try to squeeze maximum from this opportunity or play it low and safe?

I am kind of new and still learning, but I see this as pretty opportunity to establish some nice trading money-pool and would appreciate any help and suggestions for this.
