Big Streak!





12/12 trades

Went mini-live tonight with 80 dollars


Just an update here…

I did email the original poster about his system. He’s not trying to sell anything, but after exchanging a few emails about his system he told me the system we’d been discussing [B]wasn’t the system he was using on his winning streak![/B]

After that I wrote him off as wasting my time. The system he did share could have some potential, but I feel a bit deceived…

On the contrary, there are three posts in this thread indicating that the system I wanted help on was not the system I was using for my streak:

The very first one:

"So I started a new system last sunday, one trade a day [B]I won’t give away the system just yet[/B] but every trade since (about 8), has been green. I’m not scalping. I come home from work set it up and walk away and later that night I’m out in green. What I’m doing here is stalling myself from throwing real money in and being let down. I just want feed back what do you guys think? Should I be expecting losers pretty soon. Is it possible for every trade I ever make from here on out to be green?

Jordan "

Post number 12:

"Anyone willing to [B]help me test a theory [/B]I have or give me insight on the results I already have or the theory it self please PM .

Thank you, Thank you very much.


(A theory, not THE theory/system)

Finally post number 16:

“The reason I don’t want to post directly is because this isn’t really a system, it’s a theory on a reoccuring event, and I don’t want a bunch of nay sayers sticking their hands in and discouraging me. It uses absolutely no indicators and [B]it’s not the system that has been keeping my streak going it’s a different one.[/B] I just want one other opened minded person who is pretty savvy to forex, and doesn’t mind helping me, or pointing out to me that this could absolutely not work, not becuase of a feeling but evidently. :stuck_out_tongue: thanks again.”

(In this one I actually lay that point right out there)

Thank you phil838 for the slam, and I apologize for wasting your precious time.

It seems my actual system isn’t a very good one anyway so I won’t discuss it any further, I will just post results and when my streak finally ends I will post one last time and be done with this thread.


The first two examples don’t say anything about a separate system, but you got me with the third one. I’ll admit when I’m wrong… Apparently I didn’t read that post closely enough.

These forums are about learning and the free sharing of information, and as that’s not happening here I’m done with this thread as well. If you ever do decide to post your system instead of just telling us the results of it we’d be glad to hear it.

Good luck to you, and I wish you continued success in the forex market.


11/11 Demo

2/2 Live


What are you risking on each of those trades? is it more than what you are getting from the winners? You really can’t rate your performance on win rate alone, it needs some definition of risk and reward to get an idea of profitability.

Risk:Reward = 10:1

I can if I don’t lose, :slight_smile: or lose very seldom. And yes yes I know “I’ll lose” but uh we’ll see. And it’s starting to look like I could lower my risk:reward down to about 2:1 or 3:1. But again we’ll see.

But how much are you risking on each trade? In other words, in a worst case scenario, how much do you stand to lose…2% of your account, 10% or more? Even worse if your risk isn’t defined at all, you could be risking your whole account on every trade. At that point you are just waiting for the impropable worst case scenario to hit you and blow out your account.

More details and we could help you out i think

Ok, before I say this I want everyone to know since I started forex back in January, I’ve lost about 1250 dollars in the forex market, money that I really couldn’t afford to lose. I’m all patched up and back on the horse. I’ve tried many different trading styles many different pairs, I know Just how risky forex is, I mean I haven’t blown millions or anything but losing that money before shows me what fire can do. I still think that risk:reward management is pretty important and in MOST cases is key to being a succesful forex trader. Now in addition to that I want to say I do not want ANYONE to blast me for what I am about to say next, I know all the negatives heard em all before, if there’s something positive or constructive you’d like to say by all means spit it to me. There still maybe a couple of knuckle-heads who totally disregard this message but hopefully it will weed out the majority. Now with that said…drum roll please xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I am risking my ENTIRE ACCOUNT PURPOSELY and only because of how my system works. With any other system I would absolutely postively never ever do this. These are the reasons I am.

  1. To maximize profit (started with 80 dollars)

  2. To give my trades an exaggerated working space (my biggest downdraw…
    23 pips out of 13 trades)

  3. Again NO BADGERS!

I’m always expecting to have to come here one night and post a loser. Can this really work? We Shall See.


I tried your strategy for 2 days. My second trade was a loser! Good thing it was on demo…

Read the two parts of your post that I quoted above… Do you see where there might be a potential problem with your logic??

I said I wasn’t posting here again, but my head nearly exploded when I read that.

What you’re doing is crazy. There is absolutely zero chance of you withdrawing a dime from your forex account because you’re going to keep at it until you lose. You even admitted it yourself!!

You won so far, and that’s great!! Now takes those profits before you lose them and start trading them safely and you’ll be a long term, successful trader.

I hope Op3nTheJar didn’t take the same trade as you, or all of his wins will = a waste of time if he risked his entire account. Don’t want to be negative, but this is an example of why money management is so important. You can have an awesome system that wins every trade for awhile, but the markets WILL change, and like all systems you will eventually start getting worse results with the same system. So if you are risking your entire account, then it is only a matter of time before you will lose everything.

I do apologize if I’ve offended you Phil838.

Method765 we shall wait for this matter of time, by which you speak.

Lavaman I do beleive i tried my strategy for the same two days as you and both trades were green. I’d like to know the entry, exit, stoploss, tp and conditions of those two trades you made if you don’t mind(email?) (I know you had to have tweaked it). My guess is that you pegged the 29th’s candle as bearish and sold on your second trade.

I will trade tomorrow night and I beleive we will see a bearish candle as the last one was an unexpected bull, plus the EURUSD is at a new high :).


It was the 28th, and yeah, that’s pretty much what happened. I think it came down to the difference between the times we entered the trades. I traded right at the beginning of the Asian session, and I assume you traded a little later when you got home and price had already reversed. My trade seemed to make sense as price had revisited my TP area over and over in recent days, yet the stop ended up being in an area price hadn’t been in 6 months. With the way you trade, it’s either one way or the other, so I picked the direction that seemed to make most sense to get 10 pips (price was headed that direction as well). Anyway, it was a fun experiment, and on demo I risked 10% of my account for a 1% gain. I actually feel like with that risk:reward ratio, it could be possible to sustain some profitability for some amount of time, but it’s not for me. Psychologically, I’m not good at taking losses that large. If you’re risking your entire account though, I have to agree with the others and suggest that it’s just a matter of time before your account is blown. Kudos on doing it with an $80 account though, sometimes blowing a live account can be a powerful lesson.

I’m not offended at all, just completely confused as to how you’re rationalizing the fact that your risking your entire account on each trade, yet you’re “expecting to have to come here one night and post a loser.”

I simply can’t wrap my brain around that. I can’t help but picture Spock from Star Trek saying “That, Jordan, is illogical.”

Lavaman, could I please get the numbers on the two trades you made using my system? entry, t/p, s/l, lottage?




11 - Demo

3 - Live
