Biggest crypto regret?

I bought 44.04 BTC back in the day for $25 each, and then sold a few days later when the price plummetted to $12. I regret not holding :frowning:

Almost all my crypto regrets are regretting not holding.

Being impatient and hastily investing and withdrawing in cryptos is my biggest regret so far. I didn’t want to lose money and I did not go prepared, so I made some reckless decisions. Although, I did not lose much, but did not make much either.

Omg that sounds painful!!!

Not getting into crypto sooner. I was aware of Bitcoin, but it piqued my curiosity only once I gained a thorough understanding of it.

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SAME! :sob: I remember how my friends used to always nag me about getting BTC back in 2018 and I just wish I listened to them right away. :frowning:

When it comes to investing, I have a rule that says you should never look back.

In fact, I don’t waste time regretting my mistakes.

Regret can have a negative impact on how you react now and in the future.

You can either take a stand or not.

Don’t go back on your decision once you’ve made it.

Now is the time to move on and concentrate solely on your next trade.