Bitcoin as a POS coin? POS>POW

Given the main problems are an inept and corrupt dev team and manipulation by mining pools like Antpool. Would the BTC community be open to POS instead of POW?

Satoshi wanted transactions processed by users. POS is processed either on your home PC or on a VPS. POS is out the door faster than POW and consumes much less power.

Mining pools would be a thing of the past, ASIC manufacturers would die out as well. You’d need to own the majority of the coins to do a 51% attack, not 51% of the hash power. China can gain 51% of the hash power if the government were to coordinate with the ASIC manufacturers.

While many POS coins were poorly coded and failed, PivX, NEO and a few others have proven it can be secure. Ethereum will eventually go POS, if they can work out their governance.

Future updates would only need the consent of the nodes, nodes with a stake would be ideal to prevent sabotage.

I think it’s time the crypto community gets serious about adoption and stop fighting/sabotaging. We have bigger enemies in the banks/state actors and FUD factories.

Mining pools never made sense to me from the perspective of the 51% attack, and putting power in the hands of a few.

But aren’t both still susceptible to an algorithm bug? Or social engineering of an engineer or developer?

Im a huge fan of the PoS model. I would consider getting involved if it was PoS.

Given the primary issues are an awkward and degenerate dev group and control by mining pools like Antpool. Would the BTC people group be available to POS rather than POW?