Bitcoin BTC Analysis thread

Nice chart mate, thank you

Be nice to see a decent impulse to the upside followed by some decent support to break out this little rut it is in at the moment

Definatly hoping and looking for the rise and break up from here been holing at the level for a very long time now which is a good sign of support i am hoping.

Great analysis. Much appreciated. As mentioned, price looks like being squeezed and would definitely want to see the price being up.

Breakout beginning I wonder…?

Hoping BTC keeps rising up.

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The charts look amazing and the analysis is also very good. This will be very helpful to a lot of traders.

Is looking very strong at the moment!

Hi all.
Almost a month no see but here im back and what a month it was for Bitcoin. In short im more and more bullish but lets get back to charts. Chart 1: Im turning back to my analysis from the end of September. It was about an interesting pattern on a weekly time frame which happened before the second and third ATH. Its a descending triangle, some sideway move, then an ascending triangle and then next ATH. At the time of those analysis this ascending triangle wasnt broken up yet but now… yes, the price breaks out above it and thats the start of the next ATH run for me. And if this doesnt convince you lets see the chart 2. Chart 2: A monthly chart which complements the previous chart. 3 ATHs again. 3 triangles again. A break out again already. Whats missing again? Yep, the next ATH.
Simply enough? I think yes.
Also I want you to remember one. The path to the next ATH wont be parabolic. There will be peaks and bottoms so dont get panic. At this point the major levels are:
Resistance around $13800-$14000.
Support around $13000. Even a drop to $11500-$12000 won`t hurt the bull run and the ascending bull channel (on a daily chart).

Thats all for now. Ive already prepared something interesting for the next time but i`ll share it in a couple of days.
See ya.

Top information, would be great to see thats for sure lets hope it keeps pumping as been Holding

Just when it looks to be falling hard it finds support. Seems at the moment to be stuck around the $13.5k mark and is so far beautifully respecting the 50EMA on the 4h chart.

Hi all.
Remember what I’ve promised you last time?
The chart today is only one. The time frame of it is strange even for me but its really interesting. Its a yearly time frame chart. Yes, I know its big but Bitcoin is a really long term game so lets see it.
In this chart every candle is one year. The chart shows the price from 2013 till now. We can clearly see two similar patterns. The first one is from 2013 till 2016 and the second one is from 2017 till 2020. This two patterns are with the same structure and only the sizes are different.

  • The first one is a big green candle which is the ATH at that moment.
  • The second one is a red candle which is the macro correction.
  • The third one is again a green one which is some recovery.
  • The fourth one is the most interesting. This candle fully recovers the second one and also break out the resistance at that moment and… yes it leads to the next big green ATH candle.
    Guess whats missing nowadays? Did you get it? The fourth one. Thats why this year close is looking to be important. Right now were exactly at the line. We have almost 2 months and the momentum looks good at this moment so its very possible to see 100% repeat. The most important is to break out from this resistance level. How far is not so important but theres two scenarios for me. The left one is the realistic one (lowest history results and future projections)– closing this year at around $17K and next year an ATH at $100K. The right one is the mooning one (average to high history results and future projections)– closing this year at around $24,8K and next year an ATH at $640K. Personally I’m not a fan of the moon one simply cuz if we close this year at $24,8K this will be an ATH by itself. Theres no sense of this and its ruing the model at some point. Interesting right? I think yes so the only thing that I can say is: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, fellas! Thats all for now.
    See ya next time.

Fascinating stuff! Certainly exciting times for BTC HODLers at the moment

Incredible when you look at the possibility’s you can see that it is still not to late to get in on the bitcoin world and make some amazing gains

Thanks for this insight

This is a very interesting perspective. Thanks for sharing, let’s buckle up for the ride!

Thanks very much for sharing this. :+1: I trade and HODL bitcoin so found this interesting.

More than impressed with recent performance. I picked up BTC early this year aroun 6k and increased my holding a all the way to 10k.

Pleased to see the news earlier didn’t overly halt the rise we have seen recently.

Hi all.
Long, long time no see but here we are again. I just cant sit calm in these times. In a couple of posts I think to show you that the Bitcoin bull run is not over yet. Thats my opinion. Its not a financial advice and dont convincing anyone in my view but heres exactly my view on some charts. First chart is showing exactly the actual situation and the normality of it. When you look at the chart youll see exactly the same price action in the middle from every halving to the next ATH. What do I mean. First we see the halving. Next we see a very good pump. Then we see a correction. And after this correction we see the next cycle push to the next ATH. All this sideway move and correction periods are closed in a very specific and proportional borders. Like youll see in the chart its a simple math:

  • The top which we must break to the next ATH is equal to the last ATH multiplied by 4.
  • The bottom which is acting as a support and were fine until the price is above it is equal to the last ATH multiplied by 1.5. This is happening in every single cycle till now. Simple enough, right? Did we break below the last ATH multiplied by 1.5 yet? No and im hoping to be like that in future too.
    This is one of my points to think that were still in this cycles bull run to the next ATH. Next time ill share some other point. See ya and remember… DCA (dollar cost average) all the way. Its a marathon not a sprint.