Bitcoin BTC Analysis thread

Interesting analysis. You’re second box looks a bit off though, no? Should be in 2018?

Certainly an interesting perspective - I guess we’ll see where things go.
With the influx of institutional money this time round, I think we’ll see a much stronger bottom than we have previously.

No. The second box i perfect.

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agree this is where i like

Hi all.
Like I said last time, this time ill show you my next point of view which gives me confident about that the Bitcoin bull run is not over yet. Ill be short and the below chart is representing the Wyckoff accumulation method. If you first time heard of this, then google it. The actual 6H (or even 8H) Bitcoin chart cover the Wyckoff accumulation method if not at 100%, at least at 95-98%.
What can I say more than only the time will show if im right or not but like I said already… I truly believe that the actual Bitcoin cycle bull run is NOT over yet. See ya and remember… DCA (dollar cost average) all the way. Its a marathon not a sprint.

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nice job man

Takes a lot of bravery to dollar-cost average such a volatile asset.

“Even a drop to $11500-$12000 won`t hurt the bull run and the ascending bull channel (on a daily chart)”

Geez, that projection is going to scare the hell out a lot of crypto followers.

Are you seriously suggesting you are willing to dollar cost average all the way down to here?

I for one would never have such balls of steel.

Also, have any of you crypto zealots thought about exiting if you are proven wrong? Under what scenario would that happen?

And why do you think that in Forex there are tons of wanna-be scalpers and day traders, but in Crypto, everybody and his uncle is holding for a moonshot?

I am genuinely interested in the psychology of the crypto trader.

As the days go by you can definitely see some structure forming on the Daily chart. You really want to pay attention to the 41,500 and 28,500 levels:


Most investors are MOMO Momentum traders who creates volatility, as the one factor its creates chaos, but together they create sentiment, to beat the mkt on short term trading u need to have an edge, most hedge fund managers beating the mkt by cheating retail traders


Trade a break is not a perfect strategy in high volatile mkts

I’m not suggesting that. But these are areas you could look at to place your SL, whichever direction you decide to go.

The influx of big money into BTC is making it behave like a more volatile fiat currency and I am seeing certain behaviours that mimick fiat. As such I still think we are bearish and think that low 20s (around $21k) and even around $12k are a low end target for the whales to get more buy orders in. They own the market now.

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looks good, thanks

@Win-Algo, thanks.

@Johnscott31 Yes, I`m serious.

I’m also pretty bearish tbh - not $12k Bearish, but I’d be surprised if we touch 60k again this cycle.
I’m still DCA’ing as I think the long term vision for BTC holds water.

Why do you think so?

Too many bulls predicting $100k by end of year makes me suspect otherwise… Wouldn’t be the first time I’ve been wrong though :slight_smile:

Doing the opposite to what people are predicting is a good money maker :grin:

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haha so true lol the contrarian style of trading is actually massively popular :slight_smile:

Suspect what? $200k? :wink: