Bitcoin Buy Weekly Strategy

We have seen this before, Bitcoin makes a big move then consolidates as Etherium and Litecoin play catchup, I own all three of these


From a % Etherium is the winner, but if we get a correction Etherium will likely lead down



looking at the 4hr chart, Bitcoin is going through consolidation while Etherium keeps pushing higher



Price above 19K, hitting 20K on Thanksgiving Day is a real possibility

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A friend just asked me last week about ETH/BTC because her mom group friend is “selling” them. I think we’re getting there based on that. They’re using Facebook groups to “gain members.” Sounds a bit like the top to me but maybe that’s just a tiny tiny group?

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Going down to the 1hr chart, we had our pullback and an engulfing reversal and now up we go,

I would love to buy more here, but the smart money waits for the correction



Yes it’s a tiny group and I notice they are selling them not buying

They probably bought at the high last time and likely been under water three years.

Don’t worry they will be buying back when prices are much much higher, remember the investing public are completely incompetent when it comes trading - that is why it’s always good to keep an eye out on what they are doing.

As it stands I see zero mainstream interest in bitcoin, which is a healthy sign

It’s possible a short term top is in, but it’s just as likely we will blast past 20K in a heart beat.

If people are expecting meaningful corrections to buy, they are likely to be disappointed.

Institutional money is a total game changer for bitcoin. Forget the idea of buying pizza with it, corporate treasurer’s, hedge funds, and last to the party pension funds will take up what left.

Bitcoin is a financial asset now not some little currency for nerdy gamers

As a former silver bug, I’m wary of the dangers of crazy price projections but if there is one asset in my lifetime to scale unfathomable heights it’s bitcoin

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Oh you’ve seen them too? :open_mouth:

Yeah none of my friends are asking me about it yet unlike back in 2017.

Def a quotable quote right there!

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It’s almost at 20k! Do you guys think it will rally past that level?

impossible to say but from a technical view, hitting a new all time high then pulling back below 20K , consolidate for a few weeks then blow through 20K , that would create a massive multi year cup with handle bullish formation, If it happens I will be buying the pullback, I am also looking at adding to my Ethereum and Litecoin positions as these will be pulled up by Bitcoin

My concern here is the speed of the climb. Reminiscent of the rise in 2018.
Not a level I’m comfortable buying at.

Big pullback today, some sideways consolidation would be nice here

We had months of prices below 10K , I don’t know if we will ever see prices that low again

Just under $17k.
IF it continues down below $15k I may consider, $12k would be better still.

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Me too. I wouldn’t touch it before it has fallen further though.

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A one-day flash crash affected the whole market and we still almost got a green weekly candle

Do we get a correction now, some sideways consolidation, or do we go on to takeout the all time high

Like everyone else here I am a buyer on a meaningful pullback


Has anyone tried buying Bitcoin on Paypal yet, I may give it a try as my Coinbase account has gotten uncomfortably large during this run. My understanding is with Paypal you will not actually own the coins, no private keys will be given, Paypal keeps ownership of the coins, you are purchasing a right to the coin.

the good thing is the more financial institutions that offer Bitcoin accounts the harder it will be for the goverment to try to shut it down


TradingView has Bitcoin breaking its all-time high, Price up over $1600 at days high, Hold on things get interesting from here

Whats your thoughts? The speed of the rise and similarities with 2018 are holding me back.

I don’t suppose Paypal buying the bulk of newly mined Bitcoins has hurt the price

If anything it will cause price to go up, Paypal owns Bitcoin at a much lower price than where it is today so when people buy Bitcoin on Paypal they are allowing Paypal to lock in profits

Personally I would like to see a price correction here, maybe we get down to 15K but don’t count on it, any dip I am buying