Bitcoin Buy Weekly Strategy

We just blew through 26K, now sitting just below 27K, up 2 grand just today

Do you still think 30K by new years is crazy

Screenshot 2020-12-26 at 4.55.38 PM

John McAfee is driving this bull run. He’s pouring his entire net worth into Bitcoin.

He needs to get the price above $1 million by next Thursday.

Or else. :rofl:


I think ( hope) McAfee will be right his time horizon is just a bit off

what is really driving this, is hedge funds who want to look smart by having Bitcoin in their portfolio by years end, same reason I would expect Tesla and Square to have a bull move next week.

regardless what happens it has been a fun run

Clint, your wisdom on your Political Opinion thread is solely missed, the trolls have taken over

Funny how the Bitcoin bears just continue to get it wrong

For a complete list, see the article above

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Still going, nearing 27,500…


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another big price surge, that is a $900 move on a 1hour candle bringing the price to just under 28K, I have never made so much money will sleeping

30K by new years

Screenshot 2020-12-27 at 3.59.24 AM

Looking at 4 years of price action, there is no question we are seeing the mother of all parabolic moves. this cannot keep going and will be a hell of a fall at some point but I have no plan on getting off this roller coaster

Screenshot 2020-12-27 at 4.42.55 AM

now 28K has been passed, big pullback now

Screenshot 2020-12-27 at 7.11.13 AM

After yesterday’s wild ride today is back to normal with Bitcoin only up $850

30K by the weekend is still very much in play

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Don’t forget Ethereum, up over 8% today

I’ve sold 1 of mine. It covers the cost of all 7 plus some spare change, so I’m left with 6 that have in effect cost me nothing.

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that is the way to do,

Have you taken some profit lately? :open_mouth:

I took out my original investment some time ago, every thing invested is profit and I am letting it ride

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I would buy again if price fell substantially, otherwise I’ll stick with what I have.
You never really know with Bitcoin. It could hit 40k in 6 months or drop to 4k.


We just hit 29K, with just over a day of trading before New Years, will we hit 30K this year or next

We all had half the year to buy Bitcoin under 10K, so chasing this train is not good trading but then again had you bought when price first broke 20K you would be up 40%.

Ethereum and Litecoin could out perform Bitcoin on a % base, I own both and will be looking to add those as well

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This is what I should start telling friends.

As price consolidates we have now had 5 1hr candles close above 29K. Now we want to see a full candle close above 29K that will clear the way for 30K.

18 hours till new Years my time, if we don’t make 30K by then, before the end of the week is a near certainty

Screenshot 2020-12-31 at 5.48.59 AM

Unless we get some whale action Bitcoin may not reach 30K by midnight but we have had seven days in a row of new highs or new high daily close,

unless we get a meaningful pullback we should still see 30K before the week is done

Screenshot 2020-12-31 at 3.40.57 PM