Bitcoin Buy Weekly Strategy

It’s not over yet, price breakout on 1hr chart , new all-time high,

Screenshot 2020-12-31 at 8.16.27 PM

Bitcoin is not the only one on the move this New Years Eve

Screenshot 2020-12-31 at 8.52.51 PM

What a year for Bitcoin, we came into 2020 with Bitcoin at 7K went as low as 4K and finish the Year above 29K, If you followed my Buy Weekly Strategy you would be up about 300%, There are calls by many for 100K Bitcoin by end of 2021, I have no idea if we get there or go way past it but buying a little every week or once a month is a simple a winning strategy

Happy New Year Everyone, May your Bitcoin holdings continue to grow

Holly Cow Batman , Bitcoin hits 33,000

Do we still have non believers

Years ago, I dated a girl named Holly. I don’t recall her last name, but I don’t think it was Cow.

I stayed up 'til 4:30 am New York time, waiting to see Bitcoin break 30K. Finally, fatigue and old age got the best of me, and I hit the sack. When I woke up later, I fully expected to see Bitcoin above 30k. I was amazed – and, being a hodler, I was delighted – to see Bitcoin at 33K, and holding steady.

Later, of course, after most of the enthusiastic bulls had relented somewhat – and the angry bears tried to stage a counter-strike – the price was driven down considerably. But, that skirmish was short-lived, and now – nearly fourteen hours after the fireworks began – Bitcoin has almost regained the 33K level.

I doubt that there are many “non-believers” remaining. But, I think a lot of folks suffer from meganumerophobia. That’s the fear of large numbers. They see 33,000 as being up there in the stratosphere, and they just can’t wrap their heads around the idea that 100,000 is clearly in view, and 1,000,000 is on the horizon.

Maybe it’s time to start tracking, charting, and reporting the bit price. One bit is 1/1000000 of one bitcoin. Eventually, one bit will be worth $1, and one satoshi will be worth 1¢.

The idea that one bit is now worth 3.3 ¢ should not cause the meganumerophobes great anxiety. After all, it’s taken the lowly bit 12 years to go from zero to a mere 3.3 ¢.

So, to our friends who tend to faint at the sight of large numbers, I would say, “Buy some bits. For a lousy $100, you can buy more than 3,000 of the little rascals. And, in the not-too-distant future, each one of them will be like today’s dollar.”

There. See? Those big numbers aren’t so scary.


And now price is above 34K, this could be the mega price run up that many including your friend McAfee had predicted with price soon entering the six figure range. I try to look forward but I keep kicking myself for not buying a couple whole coins 9 months ago. Still what I have will make for a comfortable retirement

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Nice and somewhat unexpected jump there, now at 34k.
Interesting post here about UK banning retail clients from crypto deritives from next week,21.msg3369.html#msg3369

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I know this is a Bitcoin thread, but don’t overlook Ethereum, it is outperforming bitcoin:

derivatives is what killed the US Markets, so that could be a good thing

Litecoin too, I own all three and will be increasing

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every time I open my computer or look at my phone we have another crazy move in crypto this time it is Ethereum , up 27% today

Screenshot 2021-01-03 at 6.19.42 PM

Now we are seeing big moves in the altcoins,

Stick with the top coins, I own Ether and LTC, lower price on these coins is going to look attractive to some buyers as they see Bitcoin as too expensive

Screenshot 2021-01-03 at 6.24.15 PM

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For now, bitcoin seems to be content hovering around the ATH (33,330 approx.) made on Saturday.

Price fluctuations around that level appear to be damping out.

After a settling period, we should expect another impulse higher.

Here’s an estimation.

This is not a prediction – I don’t want to have dinner with John McAfee.


The bears are acting up this morning

Bitcoin bear

Good!, we need a little bear action after such a move, if the bears can’t get the price below 30K that will indicate there is still institute buying at these levels and should give us a sold floor of support

What are your thoughts for 2021, will we see that 6 figure bitcoin price that so many have been calling for

Look at Ethereum going after its all-time high, that last candle is only 4 days old

Monthly chart

Gold, Silver, Miners, Tesla, Square are all riding Bitcoins coattails.

2021 could be a great year if we invest wisely and position ourselves to take advantage of the next market correction

Hi Dennis
Do you think BTC would suffer (as it is a riskon asset) if the market corrects?

in a market correction all assets will decline as people look to raise cash, but that will be the time to buy,

First trading day of 2021 and not much happening as most of the excitement is centered around Bitcoin, the Pound did take a pretty big hit but the rest of the Euro zone was up against the Yen so go figure.

There also was a good move in Gold and Silver today so I would expect the US dollar to remain weak