Bitcoin Buy Weekly Strategy

we just got our weekly close above 13K, what is next, looking at the 1hr chart we have seen some pretty hard selloffs when price tried to cross 13,200 that will be our next line in the sand we need to cross and hold


Nice sideways consolidation as buyers keep price above 13K


Another breakout move for Bitcoin , hope you bought a little each week leading up to this


buyers are coming in at the $13200 breakout point, that will be our line in the sand for this move


Huge Cup with Handle on the weekly chart. We hit 14K for the first time since early 2018,

I hate making predictions but it sure looks like 20K is only weeks away


13200 continues to be a strong level of support. A daily close above 14K will be our next breakout target


weekly chart of Bitcoin for 2020, had you bought a little every week, you would be profitable every week this year


Bitcoin is knocking on the door of 14K , that would be a huge step towards 20K

we now have 14K, there is no resistance from here until we get to the all time high


+15K , that did not take long, could this be the start of something big

If you are following my strategy or something similar how about a shoutout, I feel like I am talking to myself here as I count my Bitcoin gains


Well done Denis for your thread. I came for trading the trend with strong weak, per a reference from Forexfactory but stayed for both of your threads. Great approach and I love it. I have been long since $13650 and it has taken off as a rocket.

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After yesterday’s move a pullback would be healthy, it will allow the short sellers a false sense, and the chase the train crowd will get stopped out.

Play it for the long term

Ethereum and Lite Coin are a little late to the party but are in full gear today as Bitcoin takes a break

You got to love this sideways consolidation, building up energy for the next move up


Six up weeks in a row and 3rd highest closing week ever, I would like to see a pullback and consolidation before hitting all-time highs but the market seldom does what I think is best


Bitcoin is moving so fast I need to do updates every few hours, up over $750 just today, at this rate we could see a new all-time high before Thanksgiving


Bitcoin is not the only Crypto in play here


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Bitcoin up over 900 today, if you have been following my buy weekly strategy you should be sitting on a nice size profit, All I ask is you remember me at Christmas time


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We are above 18K, all-time high could be just days away


I don’t like this. Moving too fast! A selloff is just around the corner :cold_sweat:

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