Firstly, let me frame this with the following statement:-
I bought more than 200BTC when its value was 232USD/BTC. It is now worth more than 750USD/BTC.
Think about that, in under 2 years it tripled in price.
I haven’t sold and will not sell.
I found Bitcoins and understood its worth before I even knew what forex was, now I have just started trading forex and when I saw this section here I was shocked at how little the people here understand about it. I have even read some of the more simple refer to it as a scam - really?
Bitcoin is the best performing commodity that exists in the world today and not only that but can only go higher in the long term. More and more people are using it to circumvent money controls around the world, more and more governments are repressing their people with financial controls, more governments are facing mounting debts and a higher risk of collapse.
In the last month 2 Countries have all but destroyed their financial systems, India and Venezuela. In India they now steal gold jewelry from their own population if they have too much, they wrote off two of the highest denominations of currency and caused havoc among the poor who couldn’t get to a bank and so lost their money and Venezuela - well, don’t get me started.
Why is this relevant to Bitcoin?
Because EVERY TIME something bad happens financially somewhere Bitcoin goes UP! China yuan devalues, Bitcoin goes up, a country goes bust, bitcoin goes up, Brexit - bitcoin up, Trump - bitcoin up. This is all ASIDE the fact that it will be used for remittances around the World. Think about it, send 1000USD by Western Union - 40USD. Send it by Bitcoin 40c.
But what makes Bitcoin go DOWN? Well, just about every attempt to destroy Bitcoin has been taken by every news agency out there.
Bitcoin has “died” SO many times according to new papers and online news sources that there is even a websites tracking it sarcastically - 115 times now Bitcoin has been pronounced DEAD and GONE.
The truth? Bitcoin can not die, there are entire industries based solely around the use of Bitcoin. You cannot publish news bad enough that will stop these industries and so any speculators that try to run it into the ground will themselves be ran into the ground.
Governments cannot “ban” it either, because if Russia bans it China and USA make money on it. If USA bans its UK Russia China make money on it.
Basically if any government decides to ban it, it is only THEMSELVES and their industry that will suffer and it will be more profitable in those other Countries.
China was banning it, then they realized, “if we don’t make money on it USA will”. Unbanned it.
Russia was going to ban it, they realized the same and pulled the legislation.
Hope you enjoyed the rant, wait for the next dip and buy in. I guarantee you in 2 years it will be worth more than 2000USD and you can thank me then.