Bitcoin price on Binance versus Coinbase is $700 different

Is that right? Is that a big enough difference where people will try to arbitrage it?

Have you guys tried that with bitcoin?

Seems kind of large.

Yes that is right. It is only a 1% difference. Just sit there with a pending trade and watch how the rate changes, and how fast. Most exchanges will take advantage of this. Especially when volatility is this high, the spread moves out wildly.

Is it worth it for small traders like us to buy on one exchange and less on the other to make the difference minus fees? What do you think?

Go check out current BTC price vs CoinEx right now, $500 difference.

No, Binance and Coinbase are equivalent and will plug the hole fast, you need either track the difference in seconds before they plug the hole (I have an arb system that does this), or you match large exchanges with small exchanges which gives you a bit more time.

Buy then sell in china. I heard it fetches a premium if you can find buyers.

How the heck do you do that sitting in the US?

I don’t know. Probably learn Chinese and join crypto forums from China.