Blacknights trading Journal

15/05/2013 F7ZGFZA7 Spot FX EUR/USD - 1.29752 A$ -5 1.29693 297.68 5.9
14/05/2013 F7Y6F8AZ Spot FX EUR/USD - 1.29692 A$ 3 1.29792 302.43 10.0

                                                                                                    Total AUD $600.11 pips 15.9

all trades are standard contracts.

Nice start to day 1


16/05/2013 F9KUG6AJ Spot FX EUR/USD - 1.28678 A$ -5 1.28626 262.68
15/05/2013 F89XXTA8 Spot FX EUR/USD - 1.28684 A$ 10 1.2876 766.61
15/05/2013 F89YYBAH Spot FX EUR/USD - 1.28629 A$ 5 1.28734 529.73

Total AUD $1,559.02 Pips 23.3

Day 2 pretty good as well


Index open high low close pre.close change (%)
ftse 6,723.10 6,875.60 6,640.10 6,654.30 6,723.10 -1.02
cac 4,005.79 4,058.73 3,940.29 3,956.79 4,001.27 -1.11
dax 8,434.97 8,557.86 8,262.64 8,305.32 8,398.00 -1.10

Question-why post that here?

Back after a short break because of a head cold, need a clear mind when trading.

30/05/2013 GC8UAAA5 Spot FX EUR/USD converted at 1.0381 1.2948 5 1.2958 519.05
30/05/2013 GC864YBD Spot FX EUR/USD converted at 1.0393 1.29574 5 1.2964 342.97
29/05/2013 GC8NMKBA Spot FX EUR/USD converted at 1.0402 1.29404 -3 1.29294 343.27

Total AUD $1,205.29 Pips 27.6

3rd day on the market went pretty well.

OK seem to be ready to play the game.

Tomorrow start with 1 standard and compound my way up to 10 standards by Friday next week even though it is NFP week which will put me on $1,000 per day after that result is reached.

The following goal will be posted next week (even though trading is a game we are here to make money, focus on system and then execute the system to the letter).


you are using a demo account or a live account?

If you are going to stand toe to toe with Billy the kid I’d bring a real gun-so yes live account I’m here to make money not play a computer game.

Thanks for the question and happy trading.


30/05/2013 GC9X2NAE Spot FX EUR/USD converted at 1.0341 1.29753 1 1.29871 122.02

Total AUD $122.02 Pips 11.8 so far for now but going out for dinner back soon.


31/05/2013 GDAF9JAJ Spot FX EUR/USD converted at 1.0348 1.30437 A$ -1 1.30386 52.77
30/05/2013 GDAAUXBC Spot FX EUR/USD converted at 1.0383 1.2979 A$ 1 1.29989 206.62
30/05/2013 GC9X2NAE Spot FX EUR/USD converted at 1.0341 1.29753 A$ 1 1.29871 122.02

Total AUD $381.41 Pips 36.8

Thats the total for the night which includes the previous post


5/06/2013 GE5X2UA9 Spot FX EUR/USD converted at 1.036 1.30664 A$ -3 1.30461 630.92
5/06/2013 GE5UQFA5 Spot FX EUR/USD converted at 1.0352 1.30683 A$ -3 1.30582 313.67
4/06/2013 GE5K5NAZ Spot FX EUR/USD converted at 1.0361 1.30609 A$ -3 1.306 00 27.97

Total AUD $972.56 Pips 31.3

Just to let people know I’m actually trading from an island and sometimes the internet does not work so thats why sometimes I don’t post because I didn’t trade due to internet.

I am a seasoned trader that took some time out (a few years close to 5-6 years actually) and just blowing out some cobwebs before I get serious again.

The system I am using now belongs to another gentleman who is not ready to share the system yet to the general public but when I saw it I wanted to use it, so I’m testing it for him and I cannot share it but when ready I will pass on any details that people have or will pass on to me, I cannot do anymore than that at the moment as I have given my word-I hope you understand.


6/06/2013 GE8E54A5 Spot FX EUR/USD converted at 1.055 1.31462 A$ -5 1.3141 274.3 5.2
6/06/2013 GE7WCFAW Spot FX EUR/USD converted at 1.0548 1.31402 A$ 5 1.31527 659.25 12.5
6/06/2013 GE78A2AZ Spot FX EUR/USD converted at 1.0541 1.31506 A$ 5 1.31523 89.6 1.7
6/06/2013 GE7X7JAY Spot FX EUR/USD converted at 1.0519 1.31174 A$ -5 1.30978 1030.86 19.6

Total AUD $2,054.01 Pips 39

The internet went out again today but came back on but I was nervous with the trading today.

Need to do some more work on trusting the system as I exited early on the 5.2 trade with no indicator signaling me to exit but my focus went to money instead of system and I missed out on some extra pips, may need to listen to some more Bob Proctor I think.

Nearly at goal for the week in trading 10 standards with 1 day left.


8/06/2013 GE9HW9BC Spot FX EUR/USD converted at 1.0536 - 1.32125 A$ 10 1.32176 537.34 5.1
8/06/2013 GE9BRRAE Spot FX EUR/USD converted at 1.0539 - 1.3218 A$ 10 1.32205 263.48 2.5
7/06/2013 GE9EVTAB Spot FX EUR/USD converted at 1.0556 - 1.32108 A$ 10 1.32211 1087.27 10.3
7/06/2013 GE86ANA8 Spot FX EUR/USD converted at 1.0498 - 1.3255 A$ 10 1.3259 419.92 4.0

Total AUD $2,308.01 Pips 21.9

First target week completed by trading 10 standards.

Over the weekend I will be resetting goals for the end of year and then going after those goals.

A new place to stay will be on the agenda with good internet.

System knowledge is good and everytime I use it I learn even more from it.

Confident with using the system and adhering to the rules as at the start I was trying to out think the system.

will return after I have a conversation with my partner and we set some goals for our family.
