Hey everyone, my name is Andrea. I’m a registered nurse in the state of Florida. I’ve known about forex for about three years now. I was first introduced to it by a family member who roped my husband and me into a pyramid scheme. Naturally, after that experience, I thought of forex as a scam. In December of 2021, my family and I drove to Chicago for my travel assignment. I turned on a YouTube video about investing and was introduced to a forex trader named Jessica Laine. I was captivated by her passion and a little envious that I didn’t feel that way about my career anymore. She confirmed that forex was a real thing, and ever since then. I have been looking for a career change. Coming back to forex in April of 2022, I’m hoping this is something I can gain a passion for. I’m very introverted and love the idea that I can work in the wee hours of the night and be alone, just me and a computer that excites me. I’m not looking to be a millionaire. I want to replace my income and have some freedom of schedule. Also, if I can help my family (Mothers and Grandmothers), I will feel complete in life. Looking forward to this journey, I plan to take my time and enjoy the ride. I’m a little scared of the charts right now, so I don’t intend to live trade until next year, probably around this time. I have a few demo accounts, and ever so often, I’ll analyze the charts for supply and demand setups. I don’t want to demo trade until I’ve finished all of the education units. Right now, I’m almost finished with kindergarten. I love how education is broken down with relatable examples. All though it is repetitive, it has helped me retain the knowledge. Thanks for reading and feedback. Sorry, this is stupid, dumb, and long.
It might be long but its not stupid. Best of luck.
This life is also a demo, and a life after death is the reality…
You know my husband and I are starting to feel like this everyday.
Thank you I sure can use it.
To feel something is human right…Stay blessed with your Family…
Hello, @amglover93 welcome to Babypips.
The transition from one industry to another is not easy.
I did this last month (May 2022) and am now trying to trade full-time.
My suggestion, as a fellow who did what you wrote about, is to study as much as you can before taking the plunge to start trading. Let me tell you that it will still not be enough.
Speaking from my own experience, I had been aware of this activity for a decade and tested the waters about seven years ago, I managed to make a decent profit then, on executing an erroneous trade, I lost a considerable volume of money and stopped. The passion never left me so I tried it again a few months later and started doing very little profit, but profit nonetheless. Last May I quit my job because I needed a career change - a proper industry change - and am now here tracking my journey and trying to learn from my mistakes because now each mistake has an impact on my living.
My drastic industry change is frowned upon. I understand the rationale but there is happenstance when one says it is either at this point in time or never. So I tried!
Hope this helps.
There always a Hope
Thank you it does help, and good luck to you in your journey. I’m a long ways away from leaving the bedside but I’m excited for the day I can.
Welcome to the site and all the best in your forex journey.
I would suggest that you actually start trading your demo account right now while you are doing the education bit so you can apply what you learn and cement it. Also open a real trading account (small like $100) and trade 0.01 lots as well about a month after you start demo trading. When you do you will understand the benefits. Trust me.
It’s okay to be scared of starting your trading journey because it’s not that simple. You will have to learn to make the right trades at the right time. No need to rush things and take your own time to learn and get better.
It’s not easy to make a start. But if you are determined, nothing can stop you from achieving what you want.