Bobmaninc's quest to short the Aussie into extinction

Well I left a pending order last night at 1.0520 and it got tagged. As of a little bit ago I was 4 pips in profit. Nice reversal candle on the daily. I left my pending order at the 50% mark of the wick. sorry I cant post a chart since I am on my phone. Bills are out of the way now so I just got to wait for payday and off to the store I go for a new trading machine.

Happypip I need you to do me a favor and tell the Aussie it is going in the wrong direction. It dont seem to be listening to me lol. I thought NFP would do more than that. I even put in a wide stop expecting NFP to do something, anything at all.

This trade closed this week down 40 pips. Trade is still open just closed for the weekend. We will see what price does next week. I kept a wide stop here since trading off the I phone. I don’t have my mt4 and all so we are back to pure and true price action. My stop Is just above the high on Thursday at the 1.06 fig. Also did not go high on risk since it was nfp. I put the stop wide since Thursday’s news moved the market so much I expected nfp to do something. Nope I was wrong. Sorry no charts but look at a daily and you will see what I am talking about.

Well trade got stopped. The last couple of months have not been easy on me thats for sure. Think I will sit back and see how high it wants to go. Will the 1.06 fig hold? Hopefully but we will see

Nothing like getting stopped out by less than 5 pips just to see price drop 100 pips :31:

The market moving in a choppy range in my opinion. I didn’t trade last 3 weeks. No confidence in current market situation.

I’m sitting on my hands. Wait and see…

Any way what happened to that iphone? Is it okey? :smiley:

I dropped it. It only fell 6-8 inches. I had it in my shirt pocket and bent down to look at something and it fell out my pocket and cracked the screen. It still works but is very annoying. Its ok though I ordered a replacement screen. Just have to deal with it till my new one comes in.

As far as trading I think I am going to join you on the side lines till I get my new laptop on Thursday. So I get the week off. Wifes gone, kids are with her so its just me and the dog. Life is goooooooooodddddddd lol. Enjoy the weekend guys lol.

Glad to be posting this from a new trading machine. Has felt like forever but I am back. Made 1 trade off my iphone and it did not work so well. I will not trade tonight or tomorrow as I have to set everything back up. If anyone knows how to recover old data off my old hard drive that would be great. If not everything I had I shared on here so a few emails and such I will be back. Fells good to have a saddle back even if I am not sitting in it right at the moment. I was stopped for a minute but now I continue my quest to short the Aussie into extinction.

Australian reserve bank members are not happy about the AUD being so high.
There has been talk about doing inter-bank deals to stop AUD rising.

What the reserve bank board members say (even past members) usually has a high chance of happening.

A past board member also said earlier this year that he thinks the AUD could quite possibly be a safe haven for investors, and expect the AUD to move higher. (which seems to have happened).

Anyway, I think it is an indication that AUD could be at its peak ? Or at least that the reserve bank could take action to limit it rising too much. I don’t have a crystal ball though.

Well there is some good news. Hope your right :smiley:

Are you looking for a way to connect your drive to new computer or are you trying to recover “deleted” data?

I am trying to recover data off an old computer that willl no longer turn on. Pretty sure the HDD is fine. From what HP told me it was either my memory card or the mother board. Both were pretty pricey and I didnt feel like playing guessing games as it never works out in my favor. So I got a new laptop. But I had my execl spreedsheet for COT data along with my trade journal and a few other things I would like. Its sad that I have an external hard drive but never backed my stuff up on it. Now it may be to late but I am sure I can get my stuff off that HDD I just dont know how at the moment. I will start over if nessesary but I dont give up to easy. It does feel good to be back in the sadle though

Well finally back in the trading saddle and was able to get a short today before coming to work. I will show the trade along with why I took it later tonight when I get home. Stop is at BE. Was up 54 pips a few moment ago before I came back to work

Sorry I am so late this week in posting my trade. From now on I will keep my live account out of the reach of computer scumbags. I have finally learned how to trade off my mt4 demo so that will work to show my live trades. Plus it will help when trying new stuff out as I used to use live cash to test stuff. Anyhow its my first trade on my new machine. We had a weekly OTE setup last week. This week we had a gap down after the open. I noticed on the 1hr that after the little move down after the open if price closed the gap it would form an ote right on a resistance level from last weeks highs. So I took it with my stop originally above Fridays high. Price has moved against me today quite a bit I was up 100 pips but thats ok. I am thinking of holding this one till either price takes out the previous high or the 1.02 fig (if price ever gets down there I would not hold your breath on it). If I get stopped along the way thats fine to. Oh forgot to say my entry is the red arrow on the chart if you didnt figure it out. I am also hoping to see price move up a little higher to maybe the ADR high which is a resistance level from that high made earlier this week and form yet another ote off the weekly high to low. If price action looks good at that level I might scale into my trade since by doing so I will not carry any more risk.

Well the above short turned out to be a good one so far. Looks to be closing the week +150 pips. Not bad seeing as how I have probably only spend about 2 hours looking at charts all week. I will tighten up my stop and let it ride over the weekend.



Possible short entries:

@ 1.0496
@ 1.0570


Yunny dont you just love it when a plan comes together. Well played man well played :slight_smile:

I tried the 496 area but got stopped on my iphone. I didnt quite get the 570 instead I hade to settle for 560 lol.

Well did you both. :smiley: I’m seeing a support at 1.0230 area then at parity on weekly chart. EU and GU also hit resistance area yesterday and pull backed to down for range move. I can’t access to the charts now. See Eu an GU Daily charts. You can see a 250 pips consolidated trading last few weeks. If EU and GU continue their range about trading to the bottom then surely AU will go down further. If EU and GU breakout above the resistance area next week then tighten your stop loss. Hopefully it will reach 1.0230 and then 1.0000 IMO near term with the correlated EU and GU.

Good luck…

Figured I would update this. I was going to cash out today after price has been moving up quite a bit. I figured just call it for what it is I had a good run. But then I dropped to a 4hr and seen some nice bearish divergence setting up on a resistance level. So I figured lets see if it can break this trend line. If it does my 1.02 may not be looking out of the question. Heres a chart. So far this trade is not done what I had hopped but doing good none the less. Been on since last sunday.

Also I might add it was a few hours since I took this screen shot and it has since broke the trend line but the candle has a couple hours to go before the close so we will see.

Figured I would update. This trade was stopped yesterday with the release of the FMOC minutes at +100. I am not looking to get back in at this time even though I still see it going down quite a ways. I have to brace for another Hurricane which could be here a early next week. Or if it picks up speed it could be here over the weekend. Sure hope this thing stays out to sea but thats not looking good. I dont see a direct hit with this storm but I will be on the worst side of it.

That’s bad news… I assume you are in Tampa?
Stay safe…