Bobmaninc's quest to short the Aussie into extinction

I agree with you - as ever - but I tend to play a mix of approaches, EOD and intraday, extremes and more ‘in the middle’ and just look for a different R:R each time. With consistent risk (1% per trade) each aspect of my trading runs at a profit so it’s all good. Although I agree that extremes are a good bet for commodity currencies. There’s bound to be the odd backward step along the way. I see it as an investment in future market liquidity lol.

haha looks like I stand corrected lol. Its about time they stuck with something more than a week. I see up she goes to. Nice I have not been trading lately and thats not a bad thing. I am eyeing the area yunny pointed out so lets see if she has enough steam to get there.

if it’ll be a triangle, then longterm short is dead, isn’t it?

Did you not read the title to my thread lol.

In all seriousness its not dead. Postponed probably but surely not dead

In fact in nice short is got to be coming since we are about the 62% mark of the 52 week range. Just food for thought :33:

so, as I make out, we don’t have a TakeProfit aim, instead a temporal limit, as Banker sais.
As I see, Eur/aud has got a little room to down, which can lead aud usd to a nice last way up.
Or tell me, have you already jumped in all over? :smiley: I’m afraid of missing the sign to short it.

I am not currently short I was looking last night but never seen anything saying to short it. It was (and still is) is a very nice area to look to get short but I have seen this pair range for a couple weeks before going back down. So even though I say I am looking to short that does not mean I will be short today or even this week. You got to understand something I have always been a patient guy. After trading now for a couple years I have extreme patience. I have nothing but time to wait for my entry. I am not in a rush let price move and show me something to indicate its ready to jump off a cliff and then I will fill its pockets full of money so it drops a little faster (lol yeah right) :smiley:

allright then. Thanks!!

On a bright note looks like this thread will last through out next year with news like this on the horizon. Kind of makes it tuff to short the aussie into extinction. I wander if I didnt pay Uncle Sam if he would get upset. Lead by example right

Moody’s Says U.S. Faces Aaa Cut Without Budget Deal in 2013 - Bloomberg

Made about 80+ Pips on a setup here from Sunday afternoon to today. Exited at 1.045 on the long side for AUD/USD

Hello all,

I’m new here, and i’d like to join the thread, since i’m ready to short AUDUSD (and other AUD pairs) into extinction :wink:

The pair is back at an interesting level, and i have loaded all my bazookas to win this fight. As other mentionned here, we will have to wait the FOMC before to take decisive steps.

The fight may start tomorrow, or if not, in 1, 2 or 3 weeks (or a bit more), but yes, the aussie is poised to go down, very down.

Good luck all !

GGFund, some of the AUD’s recent strength has been due to your friends at the SNB trying to unload some of their EUR holdings. You’ll have to get them to sell and ride along

morning! Do you play Eur/Aud?

Hello Cyco,

It’s good to have australians here, and as I have noticed, you are in the mining industry ? It would be nice to have some informations from an “insider”. How is really doing the mining industry, the housing market, etc…

And yes you are probably right, SNB is enjoying unloading billions of euros the past days (and it’s continue), creating distortion in the market, and not only for AUD.

I am new to this thread, i am also ready to short AUDUSD into extinction. Do post in this thread when you have shorted. I believe a lot of people will follow. Happy day!

…but for the Euro too. that’s why I play E/A . it seems to me firstly Eur will win, than Aud! than again Euro finally. but it will be huge sizes in pips

A nice H&S pattern forming on the 15Min, 30Min, 1Hr, and 4Hr Charts here. Very distinct and clear. The head is still forming though, and QE3/FOMC news today and tomorrow could still bypass that completely though.

Thoughts? :slight_smile:

I’m afraid 1.045-46 was so important point, that it can bounce from…
(actually am waiting to long it a bit)

Despite announcements of lay offs by some of the big miners here (BHP, Rio Tinto, FMG) the area I work in is currently quite busy. The company I work for supplies mainly to underground mining, so Gold, Nickel, and other metals, rather than Iron Ore which is currently the big looser due to China’s stockpiles.

The Australian housing market is the last of the 2000s bubbles yet to burst, and it could be very close to happening, which will not be at all good for our banks. The housing sector has many regional factors to consider as well - Sydney -Perth is roughly the equivalent distance of Stockholm - Malaga…

Even some of our politicians have seen the issues (they are normally a bit slow): Resources boom is over, says Ferguson as BHP shelves Olympic Dam This will affect the budget as it was counting on the currently very high tax revenue from the sector.

eur/aud is turning…
will it test 1.23 or will it reach back to 1.22, the Takeprofit of some, or is it just a joke? :slight_smile:

@Cyco : Thank you very much for your reply, it’s very interesting to compare insiders information with articles written by analysts with most of them who never went to Australia :wink:

I still have a lot of questions about the state of your country economy, but one thing is almost sure, your government and the RBA will have to act pretty soon, to weaken the AUD, respectively lower the interest rate (still way too high compared to other developped countries).

More questions later, and i will post, time to time, some interesting articles about the australian economy.

@kores : Yes, I trade EURAUD too, and the time is coming for more long positions on this pair.