Bobmaninc's quest to short the Aussie into extinction

lol hope it works out for you here soon.

On a sad note due to some personal issues going on away from trading effective immediately I shall be closing all live accounts and moving my money to safer locations (for lack of a better term). I will still be back live but might be a while as I have no idea how long this road is I must travel. I will though still be on babypips (you all cant get rid of me that easy :D). I will also still be trading but it will have to be demo for a while as I must protect what I have :frowning:

Stay strong bob’, you’ll be able to recover from your financial setback and come out a stronger man. Good luck in the job hunt, and you did the wise thing by protecting your assets.

That Akins takes character, strong will, and determination & focus! :slight_smile:

lol its not a financial setback (well it sort of is) and I still have my job but thanks for the concern.

No instead I caught the wife trying to cheat and well its the second time since I known her first time we were not married and just met so I let it ride). This time was the last time. She is gone. I withdrew all my funds to give to her. Hell I will give her the houses and everything if thats what she wants. We have only been married 4.5 years so she does not qualify for alamony under FL state law. But since we have kids involved it is going to be a long road and she might qualify before it is all over with. Besides my job (cant do nothing about that) she will get nothing else from me. So now I just sit back do what I got to do and demo trade to keep building my skillset. It is only temporary I got it all once there is nothing stopping me from doing it all again. Its what I do and I do it well :slight_smile:

Man I would almost be thankful. I’d have so much more money saved lol. Mine always wants to buy something. And then she’s unhappy with it afterwards lol.

Sorry to hear that bob… But my thoughts with your children they are little, cute but helpless.


lol they must know each other

salim thank my kids will be fine Daddy’s always going to be here for them and so will she. It will be hard on them but better off than trying to stay for the kids. It is what it is and I must treat it as such. We didnt split on bad trems (or about as best as could be expected) we are both about them and trying to make it as easy as possible for there sake. All is going to be well it will just take time.

Well… I was going to say “I am sorry”… but on a second thought I say “FK THAT BCH”

If my wife and the mother of my kids failed to live up to her promise… then I do not want her around…

Stay Strong, Bob.

Agreed Yunny the reason for me closing my accounts (which has already been done) is under current FL law she could possibly take half (or what ever the judge says) of all my future income. Well with my trading most likely they will average out my income on a monthly basis and require me to pay that every month. These laws were not set up for the man and yet they wander why men never want to commit well this is why. But the problem is with trading as you all well know I part time trade and dont make a consistent amount of profit every month. There are months at a time I dont even have a trade so by making me pay her a X amount a month from trading would bury my as a trader and something I just will not do. So I closed the accounts she can take all the money and now it can no longer be considered as future income. There is nothing stopping from coming back after the dust settles. Maybe follow Clint and take my money overseas and far far far away from her or these boarders.

Hi bob as you know I am from UK, if I can do anything for you pls let me know, don’t hesitate, I have learned so much from you, I will feel better if I can do a little for you.

Thanks for the kind words everyone. Now I plan on moving forward with my life.

So moving forward I got a call from FXsolutions today and I forgot to change my address with them so my account could not be closed. Will take 10 day for processing. With that in mind I will show you a trade I took today and why I took it.

Before showing a chart look at the daily you will see we are at resistance which is also an OTE. Not worth showing a chart look at it.
I will show the 4hr as it shows resistance pretty well. We also took out the recent swing low and formed another OTE. If that stupid triangle was not there you would see a halfass pin bar that formed. I didnt get the 50% retracment and didnt care to this time.

Now the 1hr. Here you dont see much but we are hitting support so we will see if it holds. Kind of forming a head and shoulders pattern. Not that I really trade those but if they are there and supporting your trade hey great. What concerns me is the high made around the 19-20th. it is really close to that move up I just sold into. So this area I will look to tp as we are in a nice strong up trend and I dont see it going down to far. I see bad news coming for the dollar as greece are going to get there bailout and the USA will avoid a fiscal cliff. Both of these will create a risk on scenario souring this pair. So with this in mind big money is most likely looking to buy but need price to go down first. With that said I will play there game but not holding for much here. More this is my version of a scalp

On a side note its is a good thing I am closing this account. If you notice my profit in these charts it shows (1hr) 11.5 pips. Well we never had pipettes before. So I got on chat and asked them what was up. I was told that back on 11/18 they went to variable spreads I must have missed that memo). The only reason I traded with these guys was my fixed spreads. I already had a high spread (4pips) but accepted it because in news event or what ever my spread never changed. It was a price I was willing to pay. Now I am paying high variable spreads and this will not work. For now I will trade till my account can close.

Jason Rodgers if you are reading this I will be looking for a broker soon do you all have a java based plattform. If not it is not a requirement but would be a nice touch so I could trade at work ;). Since you can but my money straight back to my debit card (with lower spreads) I am sold we will be in touch soon

Also now that the initial shock of my personal events and I have had time to think. Since this account cant close for 10 days. If the boys in washington and the eurozone can get it together. I might try my third long trade of the year but this time put it all on green. Bet you all are thinking isnt it all on red. Well its hard to do that if your going long guys stay with here.

I figure since I am going to give it all to my wife anyway and will not keep a dime. There is 2 scenarios

  1. I loose it all and will not care (no longer matters)
  2. I make a killing and it will look good in court

either way I win

I think you are asking to FXCM Jason rogers. I’m trading with fxcm and they have a web based platform. Same as their trade Station. I have traded in that platform from my office. I think the platform is running on Java.


Thats what I am trying to find out as at work we have flashplayer blocked. Most trading plattforms run on flashplayer. Java is not there is just a lot of hackers that can get through using flash player (utube comes to mind). Even some web based plattforms using flash player can get through but not fxsol. So they are now SOL

Well should have gone home for lunch today as my TP has been hit. I didnt set a pending order though so it is still floating. Not bad so far a 60 pip scalp :smiley:

Hi guys,

Our Trading Station Web platform is Flash-based, not Java-based. However, if you have a smartphone or tablet, you could use our Trading Station Mobile platform. It works on Android and Apple devices.


Man I knew you would be around. Thanks for the response. Now as far as smart phones I have broken to many of them to care to count. Honestly I dont care to trade off them anyway. These oldskoll phones are more my type as they dont break. All I use them for is to push buttons to call someone who cares lol.

Like it didnt matter you guys have better spreads now with better perks so we will be in touch. Thanks for your time. My end of day trading is just fine for me.

Anyhow I will update my trade. Since alot of you guys like to call us fxmen that actually give advise out on trading. Well I shown my live trade and its still live. I need to move my stop but want to show you what I am thinking before I do it.

Here is a 1 hr chart as I have not broken into the open range as of yet. We are hitting support very hard right now. I have already moved my stop past BE but will move it down more. Reason for this was stated on my last trade post where my TP was. But market flow is broken and to move my stop down now I will haven given up 10 pips (roughly) but if it continues down I will make more money. So 10 pips profit is worth it. here is the chart

Now I will move my stop down (and will probably be taken out). Now if you read my last post saying I was up 6o pips I was wrong. Please forgive me I am not used to these new spreads. I used to be close but for the next few days it is what it is. Here is the chart with my stop moved
So here is the same chart with my stop moved. Again you can see we are hitting support. No I did not spell it out for you look at it. If you need help seeing it I will paint it for you but you need to use your own eyes.

Again this is a live trade you can see it is the same trade based off that stupid triangle I cant get rid of. That shows my entry and where i stand now. It is live real money (even though I dont care about the money no more its still my money). Listen watch and learn. This scalp could or could not turn into a swing trade. If it does not fine I make money (or she does anyway) if it does turn into a swing imagine that a scalp turned into a swing trade and I did nothing different for either. I went with the flow.

Gnite I am tired and going to bed. I have spent a total of looking at my real chart a total of 20 minutes (maybe) for this trade. Keep it simple guys please

Well executed bob,

But hey whenever you make serious money it goes other way… :stuck_out_tongue: (sorry dude, Just joking).

I noted your last sentence. I’m keeping my trades as simple. Before I had thought to give up the job and focus on day trading for a living but now I leave that desire and enjoying my job as well as my trading career.

Happy pipping.

Good work bob!

It’s that time of the month again, when the RBA are set to meet. This Tuesday, 2:30pm EDST.

Futures are showing an 80% change of a cut. Westpac Weekly Report predicts a cut.

I’m short at 1.044, come on RBA, give the economy a much needed Christmas bonus!

I will be watching like a hawk to determine

yeah, good work Bob, what a coincidence, that it was thursday and full-moon :slight_smile:

so, noone plans to go long next-week, I was just played with the idea to go long, at least to 1.05, please. or is it cancelled ?

Hi Jason is there any way I can open the web platform in smartphone or tablet.