Bobmaninc's quest to short the Aussie into extinction

hey, what’s the thing with aussie? tomorrow is another wednesday. hope we might catch a short. cheers up

it must be it. i.058, when GU was 1.0617. where is the team? hey

Still here just have have a lot on my plate lately so have not been on much. I am looking at the 1.06 fig to get short. Not to sure we will get there but thats my spot.

On a side note decided to get back into an old hobby and picked up a Big old fish tank and I am setting it up next to my trading station. Will be a few weeks till it done. Hoping to have it ready by first of the year but I have a long way to go. I got to drill holes through the glass (which is easier said than done). Still shopping around for equipment. I will post some pics when it is done. Then find me some Aussie buddies to go get me some corals.

my spot too. I can’t give you corals, but I’ve seen this set-up lately and cought my attention. I like the idea that both side has it’s advantage:
Home Aquaponics Kit: Self-Cleaning Fish Tank That Grows Food by Nikhil & Alejandro — Kickstarter

Thats pretty cool I like the idea but no thats not what I have in mind. What I have in mind are on larger scales. And more a work of art in the end just google reeftanks and you will get the idea. Living and breathing forms of art. Gives me a happy place to go to and watch the fishies swim around when I am board and waiting.

And watching the bubbles from the Skimmer. :stuck_out_tongue:


ahye I see, very fancy :slight_smile: it’s good for the soul to have some “zen garden” and things to arrange. I myself like things like that too.

See someone know a little bit about the saltwater hobby. Very few I have met actually know what a skimmer is. Just like when I tell my non forex buddies I am long on the Aussie they say well where is she lol

The Aussie is being supported at the moment by money looking for yield.

There is a great deal of money flowing into the country to buy small segments of the Aussie stock market (Banks and big resources companies) as they currently have some of the highest yields (5-7%) going if you have large amounts of cash.

This is distorting the index value which is rising whilst the underlying economy is weakening.

There will be a huge crash in the Aussie and the stock market when yield hunt moves to the next target and no-one will be wanting to be the last one at the party holding the empty bag.

I don’t think I have the understanding of economics as Cyco does but with a downgraded mining industry (mining tax aftermath?). Higher the dollar for us means our livestock exports are taking a blow (all I read about in financial review - maybe propaganda). We have had a good run up.

Well looks like I will be getting back into the trader saddle a little sooner than expected. Only this time it is looking like I will be full time. The company I have been with for 10years has decided to close there doors. Thanks Obama. the 13th will be my last day. However I see this as a opportunity to move on. I have updated the resume and dont think I will be out of a job for long but in the mean time I will be trading full time. 2013 has been a horrible for me thus far but it will not get me down. I have a couple job offers so far since being handed the news yesterday. Although my resume is short. I have only had 2 jobs in my entire career. I have never been fired or have I ever quit.

Thus with forex. I may have been sidelined here lately but I have never quit or do I have any intentions on doing so. Going to keep that chin up and keep moving forward. I would like to invite you all to join me for another great year as I continue my quest to short the Aussie (bobmaninc) into extinction.

Maybe it’s time to reveal why you been put on this earth bob.

To short the Aussie to extinction!

New challenges will always bring new rewards.

I know thats right. Anyhow I planned on waiting to get another trading machine but guess I will suck it up and head on down to get one tonight.

Also a big thanks to Tassiefx as he showed me what I need to recover my old data off my fried laptop. That laptop also got stolen but they didnt get the harddrive that was in it :wink: There was a lot of trading stuff on that lap top so glad to know I can get it all back now. This will help out big time

hey, thanks for the invitation! back to the old times. btw, sorry to hear about the job, but either way you’ll get more time to trade or will find a new job, life, whatever. hey, Whatever works is a good film too. ok, so I’m already shorted AJ, somehow I feel, I always start with whats more difficult. can’t wait to see your analysis! cheers

Thanks Kores I will be posting charts hopefully today if I get all setup later. I have a good feeling about this new opportunity. 2013 has been kicking my butt and its time to do something about it. My last day of employment is the 13th so after that there is no holding back. I might even start looking into the cable and fiber now I will be able to trade the london open. It is unfortunate with all the years I have dedicated to my job but all good things come to an end. Time to head for bigger and better things and hey its what I have been preparing for anyway. I would say the sky is the limit but those stars are looking pretty good right now :wink:

Wow man. I sure am sorry to hear about your job… You know what they say when life gives you lemons throw them at people who drive nicer cares then you. :wink: Seriously though, hope you can make a go at trading till you find something steady you enjoy.

PS Don’t let the negative emotions from the job situation effect your trading. Not saying it will but its something to watch out for.

Bob everything happened in the life time always there is reason behind it, problem is how we handle the situation as a human being. We can make it very good out of it or make it very bad.

I face the similar situation few times in my life time. Honestly can’t explain the pain but if you manage to stay strong and think positive you will be far better than before.

Last month my wife lost the job as company closing there entire operation. And now in here really tough to get a job. I am still hoping for the best, my wife was really upset as we are not financially solvent yet. I told her don’t worry something good will happen.

I believe and wish that you will become much better than before, you will get more time to do which you always wanted to do.

Lets make more pips man.

Hey Bob. Sorry to hear about the job. By the sound of things it looks like you will have a couple weeks to work on that fresh water tank before someone picks you up.

Back to the Aussie. Weekly chart along w/COT & Open Interest -

IT looks like the commercials are the most short they have been in the last 5 years. Look at Open Interest too, which in my opinion is big money selling into the rally and little money buying whatever they can. Would like get in somewhere and hold long term.

What you thinking, Bob?

Its not a fresh water tank. Its a full blown saltwater reef tank.

As far as the Aussie I agree I am seriously looking to get short. With this consolidation getting tighter I see a breakout coming soon. Even I dont personally trade breakouts I will be shorting any break to the upside for a fakeout play. Just not to sure where. I will lets the chart decide in the coming days

Excellent attitude. I will keep you in my prayers.