Bobmaninc's quest to short the Aussie into extinction

Thanks I will need them. I do think I have found another job.

As for trading I will give a little update. I am almost done setting everything up I did however take a short on thursday. It is shaping up to be a nice trade. I have not setup a myfxbook yet. Clint posted a thread stating my broker fxsolutions might be closing up shop in the USA. So I am setting up a new account with FXCM and linking that account to my fxbook. That should be done this week or maybe next.

Things have been a little hectic for me lately I was down all weekend with strep throat but am back up on my feet now. So bare with me as things are moving slower than I expected.

I think the aussie dollar is kinda overpriced and the aussies have too much money on their hands. So many fundementals reasons why it should pump down.

Well thats good to hear. I made one of the all time bonehead moves last night. After buying many different laptops over this past week only to return them because they suck I finally got me a new trading machine. I then went a uninstalled and trading plattform off my ex wifes laptop to give it back to her. What did I forget? To close my trade now I have a trade floating around out there in cyber space. Good thing its drifting in the right direction lol. Yet another reason stop losses are essential in this game. I will set up the new machine later today so all will be well but if the market reverses I am covered.

I also now officially have a live account with FXCM as well as FXsolutions. My FXSolutions account will be closed soon as I will transfer fund over to my FXCM account. I do not have it set up with Myfxbook as of yet but should be getting all that set up in the coming days. Really looking forward to my future endeavors with FXCM as my new broker.

Welcome back!

Back at ya :wink:

Well sorry I have not posted a chart yet. I did fire off a short on the AU last night and took a screen shot of my entry. Nothing special just a 62 fib at resistance on the 4hr. Now looking pretty good. I will post the chart later. Please be patient as this was my first trade with FXCM and looks to be a good one :). Not the best trade in my life and I cant retire tomorrow off my 40 pips so far (oh wait guess I am sort of retireing tomorrow :wink: ). I will post later tonight my entry and planned exit strategy.

On a side note I think I will be in good hands with FXCM there trade station is a pretty nice plattform as far as I can tell so far. Got a lot of getting used to it. Does anyone know if I can run MT4 and trade station on the same account? I know with fxsol I could not. Anyhow happy piping its time to get this show on the road.

Hi Bob,

If your FXCM account is set up for the MT4 platform, then your login details will work on both MT4 and Trading Station. If your account is set up only for Trading Station, then it won’t work on the MT4 platform. This can easily be fixed if you email our Operations department at <[email protected]> and ask them to convert your account to MT4. You will then receive new login details that will work on both platforms.

Good trading!


Thanks for the heads up Jason. I am pretty sure i set it up for trade station which I am perfectly happy with so far. I just have a few indicators made for mt4. Although the main one I use is a overlay option that now I think about it doesnt tradestation have that option?

Hi Bob,

Yes, you can overlay charts on Marketscope. Here are instructions.


Thanks I thought I had used that feature before when I tried your demo.

On another note here is a screen shot of the trade I took on thursday on my new account. It was a simple trade based off the 4hr. We hit resistance at the 62% fib level. Inside bar formed which I normally dont trade but in this case I decided to test fire with the new plattfrom and get a feel for it. Trade is still open as you can see from the screen shot. I tried to move stop to a little past BE but was denied due to it being the weekend so I will have to wait for the market to open. All in all does feel good that my first shot with FXCM was my first kill with FXCM. Hope to see many more. Here is my chart

I have still got some playing around with the plattform to see what all it does but I am happy thus far. And sorry I know I promised to set up a myfxbook and still plan on doing so just have not got around to it yet. Now that I am officially unemployed I should have more time on my hands to do this. Anyhow hope everyone is having a great weekend. Will update tomorrow when the markets open.

Nice entry! That resistance at the 61.8 fib is a thing of beauty :smiley:

Nice Starting Bob. Keep it up man.

Sorry for being mia lately. Been out seeing the country and plan on returning soon. I did manage to setup a myfxbook account. I will link it when I get home in a week or so. Nothing to impressive 3 trades 2 winners 1 loss. A gain of 5% or there about. I figured I would update since I decided to turn my phone on to check in on everyone wandering where I disappeared to. Babypips was not the only place I wennt poof I did to everyone. I just decided to get out and take a much needed vacay just me and the world. Will be back soon

Welcome Back Bob :slight_smile: I’m glad you enjoyed your vacation.

Well finally back and took a short on the Aussie Daily has broke below the 200 sma and the 4hr is testing its 200 sma. I dont usually trade moving averages but this one looks pretty. Not looking for much out of it.

On a side note does anyone know how to link to myfxbook

1.0350-1.0375 looks like an area to sell.
Is your stop above that?

I want to say it was at 1.0375. It was a pending order I meant to put an entry not an order but made a mistake by the looks of it I was not tagged in yet. Will have to check when I get back to the house. I also just downloaded fxcm trading app so I will play around with it

I use it on Android. Good app.
Make sure you download the one for the US. There are different versions I believe.

Connecting TS2 with Myfxbook is rather complicate than connecting MT4. I tried it one or two times. But no luck.

No I have ts2 connected to myfxbook and its up and running I just dont know how to give a valid link of your viewing.