Bollinger band trading with MAs

Might be a long wait…. get it… [B]long[/B] wait!:smiley:

Managed to get in a trade (roughly +30pip at present) from the resistance-ish area at 1.6750 but it just isn’t going anywhere lower at present. Presume waiting for all the news articles…

Caught that one too. Theres two support areas on the 1h TF 13th to 15th Nov that PA seems at present to be respecting.

I dont know that resistance last night looked pretty strong. You can bet if youd left your long running PA would have dropped off the monitor and rolled across the floor! :smiley:

Can’t break below 1.6700 you mean?
Kind of stuck in between that at 1.6750

Edit: It has done it’s daily range as well.

I was just saying that pa is currently respecting the 1.6700 level. But it does seem range bound as you suggest.

You’re right, would have been like dog pee all over the floor! :slight_smile: Still did okay… this morning I was able to jump in and out a few times and caught part of the run up with a larger position then I would have on the overnight.

I am disappointed in myself. I had the TalonD 1H crossover trade yesterday at 1300 GMT EST but backed out at a BE point after concerns were voiced. Had I stayed in, my 30-pip SL would not have been hit and I would be up 120 pips (160 at one point this morning!).

Note to self: take 1H TalonD crossover trade [I]no matter what[/I]. :o

How are the signals working out for you? I’ve wondered would it be better for a novice to get signals from an expert. The consensus seems to be , learn to do it yourself and be self reliant.

I got back into my long position last night. Being off from the day job for a week I decided to stay up late and do the London Breakout 1 strategy and it worked out pretty good! I got most of that up move. There is a strong similarity to the ‘other’ London breakout strat that was popular not long ago but with some variations and in this case it’s not a set it and forget it.

MerchantPrince, don’t feel bad, I have trouble following my own strat. I let myself get faked out. The London Breakout made my pips last night. Now that I look back at my 1H strat, I kick myself for not following it the way I should. Must be some that psycology stuff? I just downloaded the book ‘Trading in the Zone’ pdf going to read it today and see if it help.

That’s the second time I posted that link, hope I don’t get in trouble…
but then I was a pirate in a past life… arrr me matey arrrrrr fifteen men on a dead man’s chest yo ho and a bottle of rum…

The resistance points were valid…it’s just one of those things.
Same reason I didn’t take the breakout LONG this morning.

It seems I am always [I]thisclose[/I] to a great trade but either just miss the move by a few candles or convince myself that perhaps I am not interpreting indicators properly. Just now I missed the LWMA crossover short on the 5m that would have netted about 20 pips… and I’m sitting here looking right at it. :\

There’s some news moves going on right now. Hard to know what to do but I just did a sell following the MAs and my two 1H charts. and price is just below a resistance line on my daily so I think it could be headed down.

of course I could be wrong, I often am!

Hi TalonD

I have no idea whether you’ll get your knuckles rapped for posting the link or not but on my part, you’ve just saved me about £45. For that, a big thank you.

I had been on Amazon about 10 minutes before I found this link looking to buy the Steve Nison Candlestick book (first one). Had intended to get it later tonight and then found this and found the book on that site. :smiley:

If Mr Nison makes me pips, perhaps I should buy his book, just to say thanks…

I’m going on holiday (vacation) in 2 weeks time. Would it be peculiar of me to take the print-offs of these books and read them whilst i’m sipping a beer in the sun…?

Everybody can make a ton of pips, in hindsight .:eek:
London worked out this time and of course in hindsight. :smiley:
Conclusion: don’t beat yourself for no reason, otherwise you will trade the “wrong trade, at the wrong time or the right trade still at the wrong time” and this means it will only get worse.

Yeah, I’m trying make sense of this and wonder if this is part of the 4H and 1H charts wicking outside the 20:3 boll between 3 and 4 am; is price moving back towards the mid there?

don’t mean to be plugging other websites, just passing on what I found…
google… the sum total of all human knowledge

Guys, million dollar question (OK, not even close, but hear me out): do you think today’s news on GPB is enough to push PA short past the mid Boll on the 1H?

More likely all the USD news you should be worried about as well.
I got out before the USD news, which had little impact but I was on a sell based on the 4hr chart.
GU has support around about 1.6640 though, you’ll need to get past that first.

Gah, I meant to say US news. Anyway, I got out when it looked like it stalled on the 1H mid boll.