Bollinger band trading with MAs

Yeah, I knew that it was risky. I set my SL for both amounts to just above the mid Bollinger and everything, including STARCS, looks to be pointed almost straight down.

Still, if there’s any way to guarantee the movement going back north, it’s my entering the market short. :\

Oh well, get them back next time. :slight_smile:
Do you have 3 charts open on your screen? The 3D view either:
4hr, 1hr, 15min
[B]better as per RC[/B]: 1hr, 15min, 5min and keep a separate eye on the 4hr for any major S/R points.

I have just today gotten my STARC bands installed in MT4 but have a hard time with that prog; it is just so clunky compared to the smoothness of Trading Station. At least now I can see the STARCs; I have to figure out whether I have the right MAs installed and continue to jigger with MT4.

I did lose pips on that trade, ofc, but did make some of it back shorting the price again on the 18:05 candle of the 5m chart.

On Trading Station, I currently have 1H, 30m, 15m and 5m charts open for cable.

R Carter

I hope you’re doing well on the Cable, today. :smiley:

Do you place any emphasis on the 20 from the BB wether it’s pointing, gets crossed from the 6,9,14 ect…?

I am aware that it divides the “territory” for bulls and bears. lol

The method described in this thread trades price action.

[B]We trade what we see on our charts.[/B]

If you can leave your assumption aside and using judgement only based on what you see…then this trading method has got the answers. :slight_smile:

Hi cas
I was simply trying to point out with some light hearted humour that it’s risky selling when the candles are on the outer bollinger band after a 100+pip downtrend, that’s all… :slight_smile:
The outer bollinger signifies a possibly oversold area in that instance and after that big a move, a retrace is probably coming when the trend slows on the 5min then the 15.

Any one trading Asian tonight ?

Just booted up my computer (05:49 GMT). Looks like London will break up today. Retrace on 5m and 15m chart on the ma’s. Too early yet for the 1h. But interestingly, 4h has wicked outside the lower bollinger and had the next candle change colour. :slight_smile:

Yep on further inspection I’m going to run with it. Just place a long at 1.6394.


Sorry not being rude, left the monitors behind at 16:00 GMT figuring only an hour left to London close… what could I possibly miss! :D:D:D Going to make up for that today I hope.

Cas there are no hard and fast rules here regarding the ma’s. Was hoping someone besides SanMiguel and I would put forward some suggestions and maybe improve upon the current set up. Yes the 20 is good as its slightly faster than the centerline bollinger. SanMiguel was using a 13 earlier on this thread and his chart post looked pretty good also. TalonD has another strategy, but don’t know if he’s used it yet. He was looking at ma’s (could have been price, can’t remember) crossing the centerline bollinger, placing a trade and exiting when they crossed again. That would have rocked for todays drop! Sometimes though, its about BE. Can’t win every trade… thats for sure!

Perhaps he will elaborate when he drops in. :smiley:

Well its certainly testing support! :slight_smile: My long is going to my ‘day’ trade. Unless of course I get stopped out! But still think its good for a London break up.

Should be a ‘be’ in there. Must learn to type! :smiley:

R Carter

It broke support all right. Nice one. :smiley:

I have used the 13 with the 5 on 1h as a signal with other pairs. Also when price bounces off the center BB.
You’re right about no definite rules.
Candle changed color on the 1h. That’s @1.6300.


I trade Asia on Sunday/Monday. That’s when the USDCAD takes it’s direction more often than not. On other days I leave it alone now.


On a scale of wrong. My call ‘long’ was right up there with the UK Prime Minister declaring ‘Peace in our time’ just before WW2 boke out! :D:D:D

Only got hit for 15 pips but still. :slight_smile: Thing is the 15m ma was good and we were at the bottom bollinger on the 4h with a wick… go figure?

Quadruple witching Friday today isn’t it?


I’ve lost count of the times my wife has told me to stop trading Friday when I come home with a face like slapped ass! :smiley:

Right better be an up now or im taking my toys home! :mad:

I have a little bit of support from beginning of September in the 1.6300 region, also a psychological region, so I’ll try a quick scalp long at 1.6329 as 5min bollingers are flattening out, MAs moving up, 15min candles have wicked out of the bollinger, and the 1hr trend has been on the outer edge for some time.
Not a great entry, would have preferred to be lower but meh.

R Carter - I think Fridays are a psychological trader thing - well, apart from NFP Friday and quadruple witching Friday. Why am I trading today again… :wink:
So, have you figured out how to post charts yet :slight_smile:

Right better be an up now or im taking my toys home!

You targeting the 15min bollinger or more?
Thinking maybe 1.6360 might be good.

See what it does @1.645 area again. That’s a major one.

Nope. Don’t even know how to post that white quote of a previous post! :smiley:

Perhaps when your not being quite so adept at both you could PM with an idiots guide. :smiley: